Chemicals services

Overview of our services

As a trusted global chemicals provider, we can facilitate your bulk and custom purchases through the timely provision of necessary documentation such as:

  • Synthesis route
  • Country of origin
  • Details of the manufacturer
  • Supplier qualification and audits
  • Change control
  • Document control

Sourcing support

Availability of raw materials is critical to business success—lengthy lead times and a shortened supply of raw materials cannot stand in your way. Accessing our broad portfolio allows you to choose the chemicals that help you fulfill your sourcing needs successfully.


Our team has the global reach to support your chemical sourcing decisions and strategies—primary, secondary, and multi-sources—for your projects in R&D stages through commercialization. 

Supplier and order management

Our expertise in supply chain management helps to ensure the right chemicals are accessible for your applications, helping to consolidate your supply chain so you can focus on other critical elements within your processes. 

Quality and environmental management system

As a global chemicals business, we operate a Quality and Environmental Management System (QMS), that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, ensuring that our products and services meet our customers' expectations.

Bulk and high-volume service

Returnable stainless-steel barrels and drums, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), and container totes

Improve efficiency and safety with our more sustainable high-volume solvent delivery services.

We offer a broad range of grades, volumes, and container options, to suit your analytical and manufacturing requirements. 

10x Current catalog offering

We offer catalog options that can be ordered in larger sizes and formats.

We can provide a wide variety of chemicals, test them, package them, and deliver them based on your requirements. 

Custom chemical service

Custom synthesis

Optimize your synthesis with our extensive database of production methods for over 8,000 compounds.