Trademark Information

Trademark names on this list have appeared designated by the trademark symbol in Thermo Fisher Scientific publications and on this website. All trademark name representations and listed owners are believed to be accurate, but not guaranteed to be so. If you believe any of this information to be incorrect, please  contact our trademark team regarding trademark errata.

Trademark Trademark Holder
#THATKID Thermo Fisher Scientific
|Q| Thermo Fisher Scientific
µpac Thermo Fisher Scientific
123COUNT EBEADS Thermo Fisher Scientific
253 PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
293fectin Thermo Fisher Scientific
2D Labtainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
2D Matrix Thermo Fisher Scientific
2DCYPHER Thermo Fisher Scientific
3D Labtainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
4-in-1 EZ Tote Thermo Fisher Scientific
60 years of loving your cells Thermo Fisher Scientific
A.C.T. Thermo Fisher Scientific
A.L.A. Disk Thermo Fisher Scientific
A.R.I.A. Thermo Fisher Scientific
AAA-Certified Thermo Fisher Scientific
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ABI LV200 Thermo Fisher Scientific
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ABOVE + BEYOND 45 Thermo Fisher Scientific
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accuCap Fisher Scientific Company
AccuCheck Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACCUCORE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACCUFET Fisher Scientific Company
AccuFill Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACCUFLAME Fisher Scientific Company
accuflex Fisher Scientific Company
accuFlow Fisher Scientific Company
ACCULA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACCUMET Fisher Scientific Company
accupHast Fisher Scientific Company
AccuPrime Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACCUSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
accuSkan Fisher Scientific Company
ACCUSPIN Fisher Scientific Company
Accutase Innovative Cell Technologies
ACCUTUPH Fisher Scientific Company
accuWash Fisher Scientific Company
ACE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACIDICASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Acrobat logo  Adobe Systems, Inc.
Acrobat Reader Adobe Systems, Inc.
ACROMETRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
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ACROS ORGANICS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACROSEAL Fisher Scientific Company
AcTEV Thermo Fisher Scientific
AcTEV Thermo Fisher Scientific
ActinRed Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACURIAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACURIAN & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
ACURIAN HEALTH Thermo Fisher Scientific
Adapta Thermo Fisher Scientific
Adsorb Out Thermo Fisher Scientific
Advanced Granulation Technology Thermo Fisher Scientific
Advantage Clontech Laboratories, Inc.
ADVIA Siemens Health Care Diagnostics
AEGIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
AEI Thermo Fisher Scientific
Aerocarrier Thermo Fisher Scientific
Aeroshields Thermo Fisher Scientific
AEROSOLSENSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
AES Logo Thermo Fisher Scientific
AFB&check Fisher Scientific Company
AFFYMETRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Agilent Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies, Inc.
AGPATH-ID Thermo Fisher Scientific
AGRISEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
AGT Thermo Fisher Scientific
AIM V Thermo Fisher Scientific
Airejector Fisher Scientific Company
ALAMARBLUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALBUMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Alexa Fluor Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALEXUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALFA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALFA AESAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALGIMATRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
AlignFlow Thermo Fisher Scientific
Alkacid Fisher Scientific Company
Alleletyper Thermo Fisher Scientific
allergon Thermo Fisher Scientific
Alliance Waters Corporation
Allset+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
AllType Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALMANAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
ALOFT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Amazon Amazon Technologies, Inc. Amazon Technologies, Inc.
AMBION Thermo Fisher Scientific
AmbiSolv Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMINOLINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMINOPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
AminoTrap Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMIRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
AmnioMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ampak Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMPFLSTR Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMPFLSTR NGM Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMPLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMPLISEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMPLITUDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
AMPPD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Anaerobox Thermo Fisher Scientific
AnaeroGen Thermo Fisher Scientific
AnaeroJar Thermo Fisher Scientific
AnaeroJPouch Thermo Fisher Scientific
ANAEROPACK Thermo Fisher Scientific
AnalogPlus Thermo Fisher Scientific
AnalysisSuite Thermo Fisher Scientific
Analyst Molecular Devices Corporation
ANALYTE GURU Thermo Fisher Scientific
Angiostatin Entremed, Inc.
An-Ident Disc Thermo Fisher Scientific
ANTARIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ANTI-MIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
ANZA Thermo Fisher Scientific
APC-H7 Becton, Dickenson and Company
APC-R700 Becton, Dickenson and Company
APC-Vio770 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
APEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
APLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
APO-BrdU Phoenix Flow Systems, Inc.
ApoDetect Thermo Fisher Scientific
APOLLO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 100 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 100XL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 200 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 300 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 396 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 400 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Apollo 500 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Applied Biosystems Thermo Fisher Scientific
APPSLAB Thermo Fisher Scientific
Aqua Pro Thermo Fisher Scientific
AquaChlor Thermo Fisher Scientific
AQUAFAST Thermo Fisher Scientific
AQUALINE Fisher Scientific Company
AquaLite Chemicon International
Aquamate Thermo Fisher Scientific
AQUANEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
AquaPro Thermo Fisher Scientific
AQUASENSORS (STYLIZED) Thermo Fisher Scientific
AquaSil Thermo Fisher Scientific
AQUILOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
AQUION Thermo Fisher Scientific
ArC Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARCTIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARCTIC EXPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARCTIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARCTURUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARCTURUSXT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ardia Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARES Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARIS HIQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL 3460 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL 4460 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL ADVANT'X Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL easySpark Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL OPTIM'X Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL PERFORM'X Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL PREPCONTROL Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARL QUANT'X Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARMADILLO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Array Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARRAYCONTROL Thermo Fisher Scientific
ARRAYSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ART Thermo Fisher Scientific
ART & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
AseptiQuik Colder Products Company
ASI-100 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASI-100P Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASI-100PT Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASI-100T Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASPIRE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASRN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ASRS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Assay Maker Thermo Fisher Scientific
Astral Thermo Fisher Scientific
ATHENA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ATLAS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Atlus Thermo Fisher Scientific
AttoFluor Atto BioScience, Inc.
ATTO-TAG Thermo Fisher Scientific
ATTUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Authentifiler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Auto OnGuard Thermo Fisher Scientific
Auto Slice & View Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTO TIPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTO-DOOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOEXEC Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTO-ID Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOLACT Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTO-LID Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTO-LOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTO-LOG Thermo Fisher Scientific
Automate Express Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOMITTER PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
AutoNeutralization Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOPILOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOPILOT PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Auto-Read Thermo Fisher Scientific
AutoReady Thermo Fisher Scientific
AutoScript Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOSELECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Auto-Stir Thermo Fisher Scientific
AutoTEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Auto-Test Thermo Fisher Scientific
Autotips Thermo Fisher Scientific
AUTOTRACE Thermo Fisher Scientific
AVANT Thermo Fisher Scientific
AVCS Thermo Fisher Scientific
AVENTEO Thermo Fisher Scientific
AVIZO Thermo Fisher Scientific
AXIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
AXIOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S CgA II Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S Copeptin Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S Copeptin proAVP Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S CT- proVasopressin Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S CT-pro Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S MR-pro Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S MR-proADM Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S MR-proANP Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S MR-proET-1 Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S PCT Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S PCT direct Thermo Fisher Scientific
B.R.A.H.M.S TRAK human Thermo Fisher Scientific
B/B PET Thermo Fisher Scientific
B/B-PET Thermo Fisher Scientific
B·R·A·H·M·S PCT PROVEN CONFIDENCE and Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
B·R·A·H·M·S ProCa-S Thermo Fisher Scientific
B-27 Southern Illinios University
B3 Media Bag Thermo Fisher Scientific
BackDrop Thermo Fisher Scientific
BacLight Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bac-N-Blue Thermo Fisher Scientific
BACTi Thermo Fisher Scientific
BACTI STAPH Thermo Fisher Scientific
BactiBug Thermo Fisher Scientific
BACTICARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
BactiDrop Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bactiflask Thermo Fisher Scientific
BactiSwab Thermo Fisher Scientific
BACTI-SWAB Thermo Fisher Scientific
BACTO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bac-to-Bac Thermo Fisher Scientific
BactoPure Thermo Fisher Scientific
BaculoDirect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Baculosomes Thermo Fisher Scientific
BaculoTiter Thermo Fisher Scientific
BALLPROBE Thermo Fisher Scientific
BANDMATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bank-It Thermo Fisher Scientific
BANTAM & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
BARNSTEAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Base4 Fisher Scientific Company
BASIX Fisher Scientific Company
BAX Qualicon Diagnostics LLC
BCA Thermo Fisher Scientific
BD Accuri Becton-Dickenson
BD FACSAria Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSCalibur Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSCanto Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSCELESTA Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSCHORUS Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSDUET Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSELECT Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSJAZZ Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSLYRIC Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSMELODY Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSMICROCOUNT Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSPRESTO Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSVerse Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD FACSYMPHONY Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD Falcon TufRol Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD GolgiPlug Becton, Dickenson and Company
BD IMagnet Becton, Dickenson and Company
BeadStorm Thermo Fisher Scientific
BeerCraft Thermo Fisher Scientific
Benchcard Thermo Fisher Scientific
BenchMark Thermo Fisher Scientific
BenchPro Thermo Fisher Scientific
BENCHSTABLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
BestProtocols Thermo Fisher Scientific
Beta Lactam Thermo Fisher Scientific
BETABASIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
BETAMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
BETASIL Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIGDYE Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIGDYE XTERMINATOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIGFOOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
BINDIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
BINDIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOAdvantage Fisher Scientific Company
BioAssurance Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOBASIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioBind Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bio-Cane Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIODETECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioEase Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bio-Fresh Fisher Scientific Company
BIOFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOLC Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOLINER Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioLite Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioMate Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioNick Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOPARTICLES Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOPHARMA FINDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioPrime Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOPROBES Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioProcess Container Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOROBOTIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOSATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOSHIELD Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIOTAINER Thermo Fisher Scientific
BioTek BioTek Instruments, Inc.
BIOTITAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
BIO-TITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
BITEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
BL21 Star Thermo Fisher Scientific
BL21-AI Thermo Fisher Scientific
BlockAid Thermo Fisher Scientific
BLOCKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
BLOCK-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
BLOOD DROP & DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
BloodBloc Fisher Scientific Company
BloodGenomiX Thermo Fisher Scientific
BLOODPREP Thermo Fisher Scientific
BLOTBUILDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
BlueJuice Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bluetooth Bluetooth Sig, Inc.
BOBO Thermo Fisher Scientific
BOCILLIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
BODIPY Thermo Fisher Scientific
BOLT Thermo Fisher Scientific
BOND-BREAKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
BorateTrap Thermo Fisher Scientific
BOTTLE & DESIGN (BOTTLE NECK) Trade Dress Thermo Fisher Scientific
BOVIGAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
B-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
B-Pure Thermo Fisher Scientific
BRAHMS TRAK human Thermo Fisher Scientific
BrainStain Thermo Fisher Scientific
BRAMMER BIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Brammer Bio and Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
BreakApart Thermo Fisher Scientific
Breakthru Thermo Fisher Scientific
BrightComp Thermo Fisher Scientific
BrightComp eBeads Thermo Fisher Scientific
BRIGHTSTAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Brilliance Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bringing Life to Drug Discovery Thermo Fisher Scientific
BsdCassette Thermo Fisher Scientific
BufferPac Fisher Scientific Company
C1qScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
Calcium Crimson Thermo Fisher Scientific
Calcium Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
CALCIUM ORANGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Calcofluor American Cyanamid
CAL-EX Fisher Scientific Company
CaliCut Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cal-Lyse Thermo Fisher Scientific
CAMP-SCREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
CAMP-SCREEN DIRECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CampyGen Thermo Fisher Scientific
CandidaTube Thermo Fisher Scientific
CandyCane Thermo Fisher Scientific
Capit-All Thermo Fisher Scientific
CAPITOL VIAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cap-Lok Thermo Fisher Scientific
CAPSURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CaptAvidin Thermo Fisher Scientific
CaptureSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
CARBOPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
CarboxyLink Thermo Fisher Scientific
CARDIOIMMUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CardioisoZyme Thermo Fisher Scientific
CARRIERMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
CARRIERSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
CARRIERSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
CAS-Block Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cascade Biologics Thermo Fisher Scientific
CASCADE BLUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CASCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
CASTALOY Fisher Scientific Company
CASTPCR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cation Atlas Thermo Fisher Scientific
CB INSIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CB Omni Thermo Fisher Scientific
CB OMNI AGILE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CB Omni Flex Thermo Fisher Scientific
CB OMNI FUSION Thermo Fisher Scientific
CC2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
CCES Thermo Fisher Scientific
CCS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CDP-STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
CEDIA  Roche Diagnostics, Inc.
CELESTRON Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELIKEY Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELL FACTORY Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELL LOCKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELL THERAPY & DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
Cell Therapy Systems Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellBlox Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLCAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLection Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLECTOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLESTE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellEvent Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cellfectin Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLINSIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellLight Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellMask Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLMATION Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellModel Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLOMICS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLPURE Fisher Scientific Company
CellROX Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellsDirect Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellSensor Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLSTAR Greiner Bio-One GmbH
CELLstart Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLS-TO-CDNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cells-to-CpG Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLS-to-CT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLS-TO-SIGNAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cell-to-CT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELLTRACE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellTracker Thermo Fisher Scientific
CellzDirect Thermo Fisher Scientific
CELTA Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Centrac Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-CROSS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-LAB Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-LOG Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRIPAK Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-STREAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-TOUCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-TRACK Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTRI-VUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CENTURY Thermo Fisher Scientific
CERTIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CES Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ceta Thermo Fisher Scientific
C-Flex Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation
CFUrine Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chamber Slide Thermo Fisher Scientific
Champion Thermo Fisher Scientific
ChargeSwitch Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHEMALERT Fisher Scientific Company
CHEMASSIST Fisher Scientific Company
Chemi-Scraper Fisher Scientific Company
ChemiSEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
ChemiSTEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHEMITEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHEMSEAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHEMTRAK (STYLIZED) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chewels Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHEWELS & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chipstrate Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHO-S Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chroma Chroma Technology Corporation
CHROMACARE Fisher Scientific Company
CHROMACOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHROMATIDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHROMELEON Thermo Fisher Scientific
ChromoMax Fisher Scientific Company
ChromoSphere Thermo Fisher Scientific
CHROMPLETE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chrom-Quest Thermo Fisher Scientific
ChromSword VWR International BVB
CIMAREC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cimarec i Thermo Fisher Scientific
Citius Engineering  Citius Engineering 
CLARIOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLASEEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
CleanCHK Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLEANCONNECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLEANMILL Thermo Fisher Scientific
CleanSheets Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLEANSWEEP Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLEARAMIDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Clearboy Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLEARCRIMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLEARMAG MO Bio Laboratories
Click-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLICKSEAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLICKTAINER Thermo Fisher Scientific
ClinExVivo Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLINICALIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLINICONIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLINIFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLINIPLATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ClinkerQuant Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLINSEAL Fisher Scientific Company
ClinSpec Thermo Fisher Scientific
CLIPTIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Clonase Thermo Fisher Scientific
CloneChecker Thermo Fisher Scientific
CloneJET Thermo Fisher Scientific
CloneMiner Thermo Fisher Scientific
CloneRanger Thermo Fisher Scientific
CloneWell Thermo Fisher Scientific
CL-Xposure Thermo Fisher Scientific
CMMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cntriq Thermo Fisher Scientific
CO 2 Gen Thermo Fisher Scientific
Colcemid Ciba Ltd.
Collector Thermo Fisher Scientific
COLLIBRI Thermo Fisher Scientific
COLOR SLIDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
colorpHast The Merck Group
COMAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
COMBI LOOP Fisher Scientific Company
COMBINATI Thermo Fisher Scientific
CometAssay Trevigen, Inc.
COMMAND CONSOLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
COMPASS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Compat-Able Thermo Fisher Scientific
COMPETIMER Thermo Fisher Scientific
COMPLATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Compleo Thermo Fisher Scientific
Compound Discoverer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Connect2Science Thermo Fisher Scientific
CONSERVATIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
ConstantPower Thermo Fisher Scientific
CONTINUUM (STYLIZED) Thermo Fisher Scientific
CONTROLMATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Converge Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cool Pak Fisher Scientific Company
Coomassie Fluor Thermo Fisher Scientific
COPAS  Union Biometrica, a Harvard Bioscience Company
COPP Thermo Fisher Scientific
COPYCALLER Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORE INFORMATICS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORE LIMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
COREVITAS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CoroNa Thermo Fisher Scientific
CorrectASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CorrecTensIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORRONA Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORRONA & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORRONA RA Thermo Fisher Scientific
CORRONA, LLC v. Valcare Thermo Fisher Scientific
Corrositex In Vitro International, Inc.
Cot-1 DNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
COUNTBRIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Count-Cal Thermo Fisher Scientific
Countess Thermo Fisher Scientific
COVALINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Covaris Covaris, Inc.
CoverWell Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
CQM FLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
CREATININE-DETECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRISPRMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Criterion Bio-Rad Corporation
CRYOBANK Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOBOXES Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoCane Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoClaw Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoCode Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoColor Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOCOOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoDot Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOEXTRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoFlex Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoLine Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOMED Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoPen Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOPLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoSleeve Thermo Fisher Scientific
CryoStore Thermo Fisher Scientific
CRYOTUBE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CSPD Thermo Fisher Scientific
CSRN Thermo Fisher Scientific
CSRS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CTS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CULTI-LOOPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
CultiMaxx Thermo Fisher Scientific
CULTURE CLUB Thermo Fisher Scientific
CultureCEPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CULTUREONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CultureWell Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
CulturTek Fisher Scientific Company
CX3-9 Thermo Fisher Scientific
CY GE Healthcare UK Limited
Cy3  GE Healthcare UK Limited
Cy5 GE Healthcare UK Limited
CyAn ADP Beckman Coulter, Inc.
CYCLE-COUNT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CYCLESEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
CYCLONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
CYDYE GE Healthcare UK Limited
CyQUANT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cytek Cytek Biosciences Inc.
CYTKICK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cyto-Cal Thermo Fisher Scientific
CytoFLEX Beckman Coulter, Inc.
CYTOFLUOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cytokindness Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cytokine-dness Thermo Fisher Scientific
CYTOMAT Thermo Fisher Scientific
CYTOPERM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cyto-Plex Thermo Fisher Scientific
CYTOPREP Fisher Scientific Company
Cytoquik Fisher Scientific Company
CYTOSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Cytoseal Stephens Scientific
CytoSets Thermo Fisher Scientific
CytoTune Fisher Scientific Company
Cytotune ID Pharma Co., LTD
CYTPIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
CyTRAK Orange  BioStatus Limited
D.A.R.T.'S Thermo Fisher Scientific
D2I Thermo Fisher Scientific
DAB Thermo Fisher Scientific
Danno Thermo Fisher Scientific
DARWIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
DARWIN LIMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Data Cal Thermo Fisher Scientific
Data Matrix Thermo Fisher Scientific
DATA TO EMPOWER Thermo Fisher Scientific
DataAssist Thermo Fisher Scientific
DataRAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
DataRAM 4 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Datastick Fisher Scientific Company
DATATAKER Fisher Scientific Company
DAVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
DAVe Plus Thermo Fisher Scientific
DCMSLink Thermo Fisher Scientific
DEAD Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
DECACELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
DECADE Thermo Fisher Scientific
DECAPRIME Thermo Fisher Scientific
DeciSlide Fisher Scientific Company
DEEPWELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
DEFENDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Define Fisher Scientific Company
Delineation Etch Thermo Fisher Scientific
DELIVERX Thermo Fisher Scientific
DELTA Thermo Fisher Scientific
DeltaVision GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences
DermaTube Thermo Fisher Scientific
DES Thermo Fisher Scientific
DESIGN (BIOLOGICS LOGO) Fisher Scientific Company
DESIGN (CLINICAL TRIAL KIT PRODUCTION ICON) Triple circle version (CHILD MATTER) Fisher Scientific Company
DESIGN (CLINICAL TRIAL SAMPLE MANAGEMENT ICON) Triple circle version Fisher Scientific Company
DESIGN (COIL DESIGN) Thermo Fisher Scientific
DESIGN (COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS ICON) Triple circle version Fisher Scientific Company
DESIGN (LABORATORY PROCESSING ICON) Triple circle version Fisher Scientific Company
DESIGN (MEDIA BOTTLE) Trade Dress Thermo Fisher Scientific
DESIGN (QUALIFICATION AND VALIDATION ICON) Triple circle version Fisher Scientific Company
DETACHaBEAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
DetectaGene Thermo Fisher Scientific
DEVICELINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
DFS Thermo Fisher Scientific
DH10B Thermo Fisher Scientific
DH10Bac Thermo Fisher Scientific
DHX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Diaphot TMD Nikon, Inc.
DIG  Roche Diagnostics, Inc.
Digest-All Thermo Fisher Scientific
DIGILAB Digilab, Inc.
DIGIPLY Thermo Fisher Scientific
DIGISTREAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
digital LogR Thermo Fisher Scientific
DigitalSuite Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dilution-Free Thermo Fisher Scientific
DIOMNI Thermo Fisher Scientific
DIONEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dionium Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dippas Thermo Fisher Scientific
DIRECT MASS TECHNOLOGY Thermo Fisher Scientific
Direct-Connection Thermo Fisher Scientific
DIRECTDRAW Thermo Fisher Scientific
DISC-IC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Discoverase Thermo Fisher Scientific
Discoverer Thermo Fisher Scientific
DMET Thermo Fisher Scientific
DM-Nitrophen Calbiochem-Novabiochem Corporation
DNA Away Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNA DIRECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNA EXTRACT ALL Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNACLEAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNA-FREE Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNA-IN Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNAPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNASEALERT Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNASwift Thermo Fisher Scientific
DNAZap Thermo Fisher Scientific
DOE & INGALLS Thermo Fisher Scientific
DP Thermo Fisher Scientific
DQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
DRAQ5 BioStatus Limited
DRAQ7 BioStatus Limited
DREAMTAQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
DRI Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dri-Cal Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dry-Bags Thermo Fisher Scientific
DryEase Thermo Fisher Scientific
DrySpot Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dry-Spot Thermo Fisher Scientific
DSB-X Thermo Fisher Scientific
DUAL STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
DualBeam Thermo Fisher Scientific
DUAL-LIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
DUAL-LOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
DUALSPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duke Standards Thermo Fisher Scientific
DURA Thermo Fisher Scientific
DuraCoat Thermo Fisher Scientific
Duracryl ESA, Inc.
DuraPlex Thermo Fisher Scientific
DuraProbe Thermo Fisher Scientific
DURASEAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
DXR Thermo Fisher Scientific
DXTRAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
DyeCycle Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYLIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYNABEADS Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYNACELLECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYNACHROM Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYNADRIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYNAGREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dynal Thermo Fisher Scientific
DynaLight Thermo Fisher Scientific
DynaMag Thermo Fisher Scientific
Dynamis Thermo Fisher Scientific
DyNAmo Thermo Fisher Scientific
DYNASPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
DyNAzyme Thermo Fisher Scientific
EAGERSMART Thermo Fisher Scientific
Eagle Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASION Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASY READER Fisher Scientific Company
EASY-ADAPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
EasyComp Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASYDISH Thermo Fisher Scientific
Easy-DNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
EasyFill Thermo Fisher Scientific
EasYFlask Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASY-nLC Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASYPEP Thermo Fisher Scientific
EasySelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASY-SPRAY Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASYSTART Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASYSTRIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
EASY-TITER Thermo Fisher Scientific
E-Base Thermo Fisher Scientific
eBioscience Thermo Fisher Scientific
EBS3 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ECAT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Echo Thermo Fisher Scientific
Econo-Press Thermo Fisher Scientific
ECOSAFPAK Fisher Scientific Company
ECO-SPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ECOTIPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
EDGE Fisher Scientific Company
E-Drop Thermo Fisher Scientific
EDS3 Thermo Fisher Scientific
EFFICIENTFEED Thermo Fisher Scientific
EFFICIENT-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
eFluor Thermo Fisher Scientific
E-GEL Thermo Fisher Scientific
E-Holder Thermo Fisher Scientific
EK-Away Thermo Fisher Scientific
EKMax (EnterokinaseMax) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Electrocomp Thermo Fisher Scientific
ElectroMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
ELECTROZAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Element Thermo Fisher Scientific
Element GD PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Element XR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Elements Thermo Fisher Scientific
ELF Thermo Fisher Scientific
ELIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Elite II Thermo Fisher Scientific
Elongase Thermo Fisher Scientific
Elstar Thermo Fisher Scientific
EMERALD-II Thermo Fisher Scientific
Empower Waters Corporation
EnduraPlate Thermo Fisher Scientific
Enhanced Etch Thermo Fisher Scientific
Entericare Thermo Fisher Scientific
ENTERICARE & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
EnterokinaseMax Thermo Fisher Scientific
ENVIRO-SCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ENVIROWARE Fisher Scientific Company
Envision PerkinElmer
ENZCHEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
EP Preserved Thermo Fisher Scientific
E-PAGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EPD Thermo Fisher Scientific
EPD N2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
EPD TRUDOSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Epi5 Thermo Fisher Scientific
EpiJET Thermo Fisher Scientific
EpiLife Thermo Fisher Scientific
EpiSep Wavesense, Inc.
EpiSerf Solvay Duphar B.V.
E-pure Thermo Fisher Scientific
EQUALIZER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Equan MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
EQUINOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
ERIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
E-RS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ER-Tracker Thermo Fisher Scientific
ESEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Essential  Cellular Dynamics International
Essential 8 Cellular Dynamics International
E-Swabs Thermo Fisher Scientific
EUREKA Thermo Fisher Scientific
EUREKA GENOTYPING Thermo Fisher Scientific
EUREKASCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Everest Thermo Fisher Scientific
EveryPrep Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVIDERA Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVIDERA and Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVIDICE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVOLUTION Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVOLVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
EVOSOLV Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXACTGENE Fisher Scientific Company
exACTGene (Stylized) Fisher Scientific Company
EXACTIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXCEL Fisher Scientific Company
EXCELLENCE IN EVIDENCE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXENT Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXENT Logo Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXENT-IP Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXENT-IQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXENT-IX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Exhaustive Photon Reassignment Scanalytics, Inc.
EXOSAP-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Expand Roche Diagnostics
EXPEDITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXPI293 Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXPI293F Thermo Fisher Scientific
ExpiCHO Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXPICHO-S Thermo Fisher Scientific
ExpiFectamine Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXPLORER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Express Five Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXPRESSION CONSOLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ExpressionSuite Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXPRESSIONWORLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Expressway Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXSOLVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ExtracSure Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXTRACTABRITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXTRAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
EXTREVA Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZ Bead Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZ DRAW Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZChek Thermo Fisher Scientific
ezDNase Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZFlip Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZKINE Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZ-LINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZPassage Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
EZ-RUN Fisher Scientific Company
EZValidation Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ezy-Cal Thermo Fisher Scientific
F & DESIGN (1 Circle) Fisher Scientific Company
F FISHER CHEMICAL & DESIGN (1 CIRCLE) Fisher Scientific Company
F FISHER HEALTHCARE & DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
F FISHER SCIENTIFIC & DESIGN (1 LINE) Fisher Scientific Company
F FISHER SCIENTIFIC & DESIGN (2 LINES) Fisher Scientific Company
F FISHER SCIENTIFIC & DESIGN (2-Line) Fisher Scientific Company
F12-RS Thermo Fisher Scientific
FACScan Becton Dickinson and Co.
FACSVIA Becton, Dickenson and Company
Falcon Direct Electron Detector Thermo Fisher Scientific
FAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
FAST Thermo Fisher Scientific
FAST DiI Thermo Fisher Scientific
FAST DiO Thermo Fisher Scientific
FastAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
FastCap Thermo Fisher Scientific
FASTDIGEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
FastPhoramidite Thermo Fisher Scientific
FASTplex Thermo Fisher Scientific
FastQC Thermo Fisher Scientific
FastRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
FASTRUN Fisher Scientific Company
FastScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
FASTTITER Thermo Fisher Scientific
FASTVAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
FDMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
FEI Thermo Fisher Scientific
FEMTO Thermo Fisher Scientific
FIBERLITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
FILLIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Filmtracer Thermo Fisher Scientific
FINNPIPETTE Thermo Fisher Scientific
FINNTIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
FIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
FIRSTCHOICE Thermo Fisher Scientific
FISH Tag Thermo Fisher Scientific
FISHER Fisher Scientific Company
FISHER BIOREAGENTS Fisher Scientific Company
FISHER CHEMICAL Fisher Scientific Company
FISHER CLINICAL SERVICES Fisher Scientific Company
Fisher Diagnostics Fisher Scientific Company
FISHER HEALTHCARE Fisher Scientific Company
FISHER SAFETY Fisher Scientific Company
FISHER SCIENCE EDUCATION Fisher Scientific Company
Fisher Scientific Company Fisher Scientific Company
FISHERBIOTECH Fisher Scientific Company
FISHERBRAND Fisher Scientific Company
FISHERBRAND ELITE Fisher Scientific Company
FISHERFINEST Fisher Scientific Company
Fisher-Free Fisher Scientific Company
FisherFresh Fisher Scientific Company
FISHERLOCK Fisher Scientific Company
FISHERPAK Fisher Scientific Company
FisherTab Fisher Scientific Company
FitBag Interbiotech S.r.l.
FL-70 Fisher Scientific Company
FLA-3000  Fuji Photo Film, Inc.
FLASHSMART Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLASKETTE Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLEXAFRAME & DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
FLEXLINER Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLEXMAP Luminex Corporation
FLEXMAP 3D Luminex Corporation
FLEXMIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLICA immunochemistry Technologies, LLC
Flipstrip Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLoid Thermo Fisher Scientific
FlowComp Thermo Fisher Scientific
FlowDSA-XM Thermo Fisher Scientific
FlowPRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLOWRAMAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Flp-In Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluent  Tecan Group
FLUIDEASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluo-4 Direct Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLUOCELLS Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLUOPHASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluoraldehyde Thermo Fisher Scientific
FLUOREPORTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluor-Gold Fluorochrome, Inc.
FluorImager GE Healthcare
FluoroBeads Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluorobrite Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluorocillin Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluorodyne Pall Corporation
FluoroMyelin Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluoroNunc Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluoroPure Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluoroQuench Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluoroSeal Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fluoroskan Fisher Scientific Company
Fluor-S Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
FLUOSPHERES Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluoVolt Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluoZin Thermo Fisher Scientific
FluxOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
FM Thermo Fisher Scientific
FoamAway Thermo Fisher Scientific
FocalCheck Thermo Fisher Scientific
FORENSIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
FORMA Thermo Fisher Scientific
FORMALDE-FRESH Fisher Scientific Company
FortiCHO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Freas Thermo Fisher Scientific
FREEDOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Freedom EVO Tecan
FREELITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Freestyle Thermo Fisher Scientific
FRESCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Frontiers in Flow Cytometry Thermo Fisher Scientific
FUN Thermo Fisher Scientific
FunctionMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
FungaLight Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fura Red Thermo Fisher Scientific
Fusion QbD S-Matrix Corporation
FUSIONSYNC Thermo Fisher Scientific
FxCycle Thermo Fisher Scientific
G3Lite LG Electronics Inc.
GALACTO-LIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALACTO-LIGHT PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALACTON-PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALACTON-STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALACTO-STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALILEO Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALILEO LIMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
GALLERY Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gallios Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Gal-Screen Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gamal Fisher Scientific Company
GAS STATION Fisher Scientific Company
GATEWAY Thermo Fisher Scientific
GC Isolink Thermo Fisher Scientific
GC RESOLV Fisher Scientific Company
GELCODE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gel-Dry Thermo Fisher Scientific
GELTREX Thermo Fisher Scientific
GELYSATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
GEMINI Thermo Fisher Scientific
GenBank The United Sates Department of Health and Human Services
GENEAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENEART Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneAtlas Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneBLAzer Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneCatcher Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENECHIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENECHIP-COMPATIBLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneJet Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENEMAPPER Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneMarker SoftGenetics, LLC
GeneOptimizer Thermo Fisher Scientific
GenePix Pro Axon Instruments, Inc.
GeneRacer Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneScan Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeneSwitch Gene Medicine, Inc.
GENESYS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Geneticin Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENETITAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENEXUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
GenomBench Thermo Fisher Scientific
Genotube Thermo Fisher Scientific
GENOTYPING CONSOLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
GenPure Thermo Fisher Scientific
GeNunc Thermo Fisher Scientific
GenX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Genzyme Genzme Corporation
GFTV Thermo Fisher Scientific
GIBCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
GIBCO BOXY BOTTLE DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLACIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Glastic Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLOBAL GATEWAY Fisher Scientific Company
GLOBAL GATEWAY DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
GlobalFiler Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLOBALPLY Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLOBINCLEAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLPdoc Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLUCOCRUSH Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLUTAMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLYCANPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLYCANTUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
GLYCOBLUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
GMP-Now Thermo Fisher Scientific
GoPure Thermo Fisher Scientific
GRAM & DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
Gram&check Fisher Scientific Company
GRAM-PAC Fisher Scientific Company
GRAVITY-DETECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
GREENER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Greener by Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Greener Choice Fisher Scientific Company
Grip 'N' Gulp Thermo Fisher Scientific
GripFit Thermo Fisher Scientific
GripTite Thermo Fisher Scientific
GTXPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
GuardCap Thermo Fisher Scientific
GUARDGOLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Guardian Thermo Fisher Scientific
Guava easyCyte 11HT Millipore Sigma
GXCORE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HAAKE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HAAKE RHEOSCOPE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HAAKE RHEOSTRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
HAEMAFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Haema-Line Serono Diagnostics, Inc.
Haemophilus ID II Thermo Fisher Scientific
Halt Thermo Fisher Scientific
Handi-Holders Thermo Fisher Scientific
HANDS BOX DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Harshaw TLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Harvestainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
HAWK Thermo Fisher Scientific
HCS NAVIGATOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
HCS STUDIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
HCSGateway Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEADLINE DISCOVERIES Fisher Scientific Company
HEALTHUNLOCKED Thermo Fisher Scientific
HeavyPeptide Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Helios Gamma Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELIOS HYDRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Helios NanoLab Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELISCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELISCAN microCT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Helix Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELIX MC PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELIX SFT Thermo Fisher Scientific
HELPING TO CURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEMA 3 Fisher Scientific Company
HEMAPRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEMAQUIK Fisher Scientific Company
Hema-Quik Fisher Scientific Company
HEMASPRAY Fisher Scientific Company
Hemato-Seal Fisher Scientific Company
HEMA-Trol Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEP Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEP10 Thermo Fisher Scientific
HepaRG SARL Biopredic International
HERACELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
HERAFREEZE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Heraguard Thermo Fisher Scientific
HERASAFE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HERATHERM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Herculase   Aglient Technologies, Inc. 
HESAVER - H2SAFER (Standard Characters) Thermo Fisher Scientific
HeSaver - H2Safer (Stylized) Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEVYLITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
H-FLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
HIBERNATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HI-DI Thermo Fisher Scientific
High Five Thermo Fisher Scientific
HIGH RESOLUTION BIOLOGY Thermo Fisher Scientific
Highconic Thermo Fisher Scientific
HIGHPLATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
High-Q Strings Thermo Fisher Scientific
HIGH-SELECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
HiMark Thermo Fisher Scientific
HIPERFORM Thermo Fisher Scientific
HiPPR Thermo Fisher Scientific
HI-Q Thermo Fisher Scientific
HisProbe Thermo Fisher Scientific
HisPur Thermo Fisher Scientific
HISTO PREP Fisher Scientific Company
Histobond Fisher Scientific Company
HISTOGENE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HistoGold Thermo Fisher Scientific
HistoGrip Thermo Fisher Scientific
HistoMount Thermo Fisher Scientific
HistoMouse Thermo Fisher Scientific
HistoPrep Fisher Scientific Company
HISTOSCOPE Thermo Fisher Scientific
HISTOSTAIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
HISTOTRAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
HitDiscover Thermo Fisher Scientific
HiTemp Fisher Scientific Company
HitFinder Thermo Fisher Scientific
HLA Fusion Thermo Fisher Scientific
Hoechst Hoechst GmbH
HOTSTART Thermo Fisher Scientific
HOTSTART-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
HPIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
hPSC ScoreCard Thermo Fisher Scientific
HTRF PerkinElmer
HulaMixer Thermo Fisher Scientific
HybriSlip Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
HybriWell Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
HyClone HyClone Laboratories (GE Healthcare)
HYDRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
HYPERCARB Thermo Fisher Scientific
HYPERFORMA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Hyperquad Thermo Fisher Scientific
HyperREZ Thermo Fisher Scientific
HyperSep Thermo Fisher Scientific
HYPERSIL Thermo Fisher Scientific
HYPERSIL GOLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
HYPURITY Thermo Fisher Scientific
HYQTAINER Thermo Fisher Scientific
iBase Thermo Fisher Scientific
iBind Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-BLOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
IBlot Thermo Fisher Scientific
IBRIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
IC Cube Thermo Fisher Scientific
IC PURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ICAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCap Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCap PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
iCE Thermo Fisher Scientific
I-Chem Thermo Fisher Scientific
ICONNECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
ICS5000+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
IDEIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
IDENTIFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
IdentiFIND Thermo Fisher Scientific
IEC Thermo Fisher Scientific
IFLM Thermo Fisher Scientific
IgE DROP Thermo Fisher Scientific
ILIAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Image-1 Universal Imaging Corporation
Image-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMAGEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImaGene Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImaGene Red Thermo Fisher Scientific
Imaris Bitplane AG Corporation
iMATCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMJECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
imMedia Thermo Fisher Scientific
Immobilon Merk Millipore Corporation
IMMPROVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMMULON Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMMUNOCAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
ImmunoCAP Molecular Allergology Thermo Fisher Scientific
IMMUNOCAP RAPID Thermo Fisher Scientific
Immunology at Work Thermo Fisher Scientific
Imperial Thermo Fisher Scientific
imPULSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
INDIKO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Infinite Tecan Group AG
Infinity Fisher Scientific Company
Infinity Aglient Technologies, Inc. 
Influx Thermo Fisher Scientific
INGUARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
INHIBIGEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
INHIBISURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
InsectSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
INSIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
INSIGNION Thermo Fisher Scientific
inSITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
InSpeck Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inspect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inspect3D Thermo Fisher Scientific
INSPIRE Thermo Fisher Scientific
InsTAclone Thermo Fisher Scientific
INSTANT ELISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
INSTANTONE ELISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
INTEGENX Thermo Fisher Scientific
IntegenX and Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Integral Migration Path Thermo Fisher Scientific
INTEGRION Thermo Fisher Scientific
IntelliPower Thermo Fisher Scientific
IntelliSource Thermo Fisher Scientific
INTRLOGIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
INUVION Thermo Fisher Scientific
InVitro Thermo Fisher Scientific
INVITROGEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invitrolon Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invitrosol Thermo Fisher Scientific
Invivofectamine Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION 16S Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION 316 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION 318 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 510 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION 520 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION 530 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 540 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion 550 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion AmpliSeq Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Chef Thermo Fisher Scientific
iON connect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion GeneStudio Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Library Equalizer Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION ONETOUCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION PGM Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION PI Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION PROTON Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Reporter Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION S5 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION SHEAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION SINGLESEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ion Sphere Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION TEMPLATE 314 Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION TORRENT Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION TORRENT (Stylized) Thermo Fisher Scientific
ION XPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
IONCODE Thermo Fisher Scientific
IONICX Thermo Fisher Scientific
IONOGRAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
IONPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
ionPhor Thermo Fisher Scientific
IONPLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
iPad Apple, Inc.
I-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
IPGRunner Thermo Fisher Scientific
iPrep Thermo Fisher Scientific
IS Fisher Scientific Company
iSeq Illumina, Inc.
IsoFootprint Thermo Fisher Scientific
Isolator Wrap Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISOLINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISORA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISOTEMP Fisher Scientific Company
ISOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
iSpark Thermo Fisher Scientific
ISQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
iTEVA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ITK Thermo Fisher Scientific
iTR Thermo Fisher Scientific
iTX Thermo Fisher Scientific
IVALUE SUITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
iXR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Java JavaScript Sun Microsystems
JAVELIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jaz Iomega Corporation
JetQuick Thermo Fisher Scientific
JEWETT Thermo Fisher Scientific
JOE Thermo Fisher Scientific
JO-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
JOURNI Thermo Fisher Scientific
Jump-In Thermo Fisher Scientific
JUN Thermo Fisher Scientific
KaryoMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
KARYOSTAT Thermo Fisher Scientific
KDALERT Thermo Fisher Scientific
KilobaseBINDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
KIM-LOK Thermo Fisher Scientific
KIM-SNAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
KINASEMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
KINGFISHER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Kjel-Sorb Fisher Scientific Company
KNIPHE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Knockout Thermo Fisher Scientific
KONELAB Thermo Fisher Scientific
KONTACT Fisher Scientific Company
KRIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Krome Orange Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Krypton Thermo Fisher Scientific
L900 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lab Compliance Connect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lab Lemco Thermo Fisher Scientific
LAB REPORTER Fisher Scientific Company
Lab Tip Talk Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABCOAT LIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABLINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABLINK XL Fisher Scientific Company
LabMap Luminex Corporation
LABOFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABQUAKE Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABSABR Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABScan Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABScan3D Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
LabSolutions Shimadzu Corporation
LABTAINER Thermo Fisher Scientific
LAB-TEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
LabTower Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABType Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABVERSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
LABXpress Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lambda Antigen Tray (LAT) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lambda Cell Tray (LCT) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lambda Monoclonal Tray (LMT) Thermo Fisher Scientific
LANCE PerkinElmer
LanthaScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
LC IsoLink Thermo Fisher Scientific
LCQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
LCQuan Thermo Fisher Scientific
Leadmium Thermo Fisher Scientific
LEGEND Thermo Fisher Scientific
LENTIARRAY Thermo Fisher Scientific
LEUKOLOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Library Builder Thermo Fisher Scientific
Library Efficiency Thermo Fisher Scientific
Life Technologies Thermo Fisher Scientific
Life Technologies Foundation Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIGHTDRIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIGHTPIPE Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIGHTSHIFT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lindberg/Blue M Thermo Fisher Scientific
LINERGOLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
LinkSēq Thermo Fisher Scientific
LINSIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
LINSPECTOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
LipidTOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lipofectamine Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lipofectin Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIQUIMMUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Liquisoft Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIQUISOFT & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lissamine Imperial Chemical Industries
LIVE/DEAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
LiveBLAzer Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIVE-INSIGHTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIVETRACKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
LIZ Thermo Fisher Scientific
LOCATOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Locator Plus Thermo Fisher Scientific
LockWell Thermo Fisher Scientific
LogR Thermo Fisher Scientific
LongSAGE Genzyme Corporation
Love the Science of You Thermo Fisher Scientific
LOVIAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Low Maintenance Triode Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lowboy Thermo Fisher Scientific
LowDoseID Thermo Fisher Scientific
LSIVET Thermo Fisher Scientific
LSRFortessa Becton, Dickenson and Company
LTQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
LTQ Orbitrap Thermo Fisher Scientific
LTQ ORBITRAP DISCOVERY Thermo Fisher Scientific
LTQ Orbitrap Velos Thermo Fisher Scientific
LTQ ORBITRAP XL Thermo Fisher Scientific
LTQ Velos Thermo Fisher Scientific
LTQ XL Thermo Fisher Scientific
LUC-SCREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
LumAvidin Luminex Corporation
Lumi-Imager Roche/Boehringer-Mannheim
Luminaris Thermo Fisher Scientific
Luminex Luminex Corporation
Luminex 100 Luminex Corporation
Luminex 100/200 Luminex Corporation
Luminex 200 Luminex Corporation
Luminex SD Luminex Corporation
Luminex XYP Luminex Corporation
LUMINOSKAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
LUMINOSKAN ASCENT Thermo Fisher Scientific
LumiNunc Thermo Fisher Scientific
Lumio Thermo Fisher Scientific
LUMIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
LUMItest Thermo Fisher Scientific
LV40 Thermo Fisher Scientific
LV-MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
LYKOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
LymphoKwik Thermo Fisher Scientific
LYNX Fisher Scientific Company
Lynx Merk Millipore Corporation
LysoLight Thermo Fisher Scientific
LysoSensor Thermo Fisher Scientific
LYSOTRACKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
LyticBLAzer Thermo Fisher Scientific
M.I.C. Evaluators Thermo Fisher Scientific
M.I.C.E. Thermo Fisher Scientific
M.I.C.Evaluator Thermo Fisher Scientific
M4 Thermo Fisher Scientific
M4RT Thermo Fisher Scientific
M5 Thermo Fisher Scientific
M6 Thermo Fisher Scientific
MABCAPTURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAbPac Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mach1 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Macropure Thermo Fisher Scientific
MacroVial Thermo Fisher Scientific
MACSQUANT Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
MagicMark Thermo Fisher Scientific
MagicMedia Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAGMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAGMAX EXPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MagnaBind Thermo Fisher Scientific
MagnaRack Thermo Fisher Scientific
Magnesium Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAGnify Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAGNISORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAGPIX Luminex Corporation
MAGPIX  Luminex Corporation
MagPlex Microspheres Luminex Corporation
MagPlex-TAG Microspheres Luminex Corporation
MAGSORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAK-6 Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAKING SCIENCE MATTER Fisher Scientific Company
MARINA BLUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mark12 Thermo Fisher Scientific
MARQMETRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
MarrowMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
MARS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MASS FRONTIER Thermo Fisher Scientific
MassRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Masterflex Cole-Parmer Instrument Company
Masterplex Hitachi Software Engineering America, Ltd.
MATRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Matrix MRDS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAX Efficiency Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAX-100 Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAXIMA Fisher Scientific Company
MaximaDry Fisher Scientific Company
MaxiMix Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAXISCRIPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MaxiSorp Thermo Fisher Scientific
MaxiTower Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAXQ & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
MaxVial Thermo Fisher Scientific
MAYBRIDGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MbD Thermo Fisher Scientific
MBP & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Measure-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Media by Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
MediaExpress Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEDIA-MISER Fisher Scientific Company
MediaSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEDICIGROUP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEDICLIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEDIFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEDILITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEDIMIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Medi-Plus Thermo Fisher Scientific
MediSorp Thermo Fisher Scientific
Medispin Fisher Scientific Company
MEGACLEAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEGAFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEGAPLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
MegaPure Fisher Scientific Company
MEGA-PURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEGARAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEGASCRIPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MEGASHORTSCRIPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Melon Thermo Fisher Scientific
MELT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MeltDoctor Thermo Fisher Scientific
MembraneMax Thermo Fisher Scientific
MembranePro Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mem-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mercury TGA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Merlin Thermo Fisher Scientific
MESABIOTECH Thermo Fisher Scientific
MESABIOTECH & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
MesenPRO RS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MESSAGEAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MessengerMax Thermo Fisher Scientific
MethElute Thermo Fisher Scientific
MethylCode Thermo Fisher Scientific
MethylMiner Thermo Fisher Scientific
MetPac Thermo Fisher Scientific
METRIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MIC-6 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Micro BCA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Micro SSP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICRO TEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroBead Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicrobeBridge Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROBENRICH Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROBEXPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microdase Disk Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROFLUOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microfluor 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICRO-ID Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microlite Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microlite 1+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microlite 2+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROMASTER Fisher Scientific Company
MICROMAT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroMembrane Thermo Fisher Scientific
microPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROPHAZIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroPlex Microspheres Luminex Corporation
MicroPlus Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroProbe Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroPure Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microscale-On-Chip Valves Thermo Fisher Scientific
MICROSCOPE COMPANION Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroSeq Thermo Fisher Scientific
Micro-Sert Thermo Fisher Scientific
Microsette Fisher Scientific Company
Microsoft Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Access Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Office Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Office Suite Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Corporation
MICRO-TECH Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroTest Fisher Scientific Company
MICROTITER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Micro-to-Midi Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroTube Thermo Fisher Scientific
Micro-V Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroVial Thermo Fisher Scientific
MicroVials Thermo Fisher Scientific
MILLENNIUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Millipak Merk Millipore Corporation
Mimic Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mini 20 Thermo Fisher Scientific
MINIAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MINIFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
MiniLab Thermo Fisher Scientific
MININEPH Thermo Fisher Scientific
MiniSeq Illumina, Inc.
MINISORP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MINIZAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MiraiBio Hitachi Software Engineering America, Ltd.
MIRVANA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Miscellaneous Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
MiSeq Illumina, Inc.
MitoProbe Thermo Fisher Scientific
MitoSOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
MITOTRACKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Mixtainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
MMDx Transcriptome Sciences Inc.
MMESSAGE MMACHINE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Moldatherm Thermo Fisher Scientific
Molecular Allergology Thermo Fisher Scientific
Molecular BioProducts Thermo Fisher Scientific
Molecular Microscope Transcriptome Sciences Inc.
Molecular Probes Thermo Fisher Scientific
MOMENTUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
MONI-TROL Thermo Fisher Scientific
MonoDisk Thermo Fisher Scientific
MonoStandard Thermo Fisher Scientific
MOV Thermo Fisher Scientific
MOVe Thermo Fisher Scientific
M-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
MPIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
MR. FROSTY Thermo Fisher Scientific
mRNA CATCHER Thermo Fisher Scientific
mRNA DIRECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
MRNA-IN Thermo Fisher Scientific
M-SCREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
MSIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
MSQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
MSQ Plus Thermo Fisher Scientific
Multi-Bounce HATR Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiChem Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiChromators Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiCode Luminex Corporation
MULTIDROP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MULTIFUGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Multiplexed Proteomics Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiScribe Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiShot Thermo Fisher Scientific
MULTISIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MULTISKAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiSorp Thermo Fisher Scientific
MultiSpeck Thermo Fisher Scientific
MULTISTEPPER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Murex Thermo Fisher Scientific
MUSEEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
MUSTANG PURPLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MUTATION DETECTOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
MutatIon GeneratIon Systerm Thermo Fisher Scientific
MY PIPETTE Thermo Fisher Scientific
MYCOBACTI-LOOP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MycoDisk Thermo Fisher Scientific
MycoFluor Thermo Fisher Scientific
MYCOSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
MycoTube Thermo Fisher Scientific
MyCustomQC Thermo Fisher Scientific
MYDESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
MYGENECHIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
MYIMAGEANALYSIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
MyOne Thermo Fisher Scientific
MYSPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
MZCLOUD Thermo Fisher Scientific
MZLOGIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
N/F Screen Thermo Fisher Scientific
NA-Fluor Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nalge Thermo Fisher Scientific
NALGENE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NALGENE & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nalgene Made in USA Thermo Fisher Scientific
NALGENE TRADE DRESS (BOTTLE) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nalgene Wheel Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoBioPrep Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoBioProcessor Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoBioSentinel Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoBioTyper Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoBuilder Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoBuilder LTL Thermo Fisher Scientific
NANODROP Thermo Fisher Scientific
NANODROP EIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
NANODROP QC Thermo Fisher Scientific
NanoEx Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nanogold Nanoprobes, Inc.
NANOORANGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NANOPORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
NANOPURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NANOVIPER Thermo Fisher Scientific
NAPCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
NA-STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
National Thermo Fisher Scientific
NativeMARK Thermo Fisher Scientific
NativePAGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NAUTILUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nautilus LIMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nav-Cam Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nav-Cam+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
NA-XTD Thermo Fisher Scientific
nCounter  NanoString Technologies
NED Thermo Fisher Scientific
NEOFX Thermo Fisher Scientific
NEOMA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Neon Thermo Fisher Scientific
NE-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Neptune Thermo Fisher Scientific
NERL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Neslab Thermo Fisher Scientific
NETAFFX Thermo Fisher Scientific
NETDOSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NeuCode Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
NEUROBASAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Neurobiotin Vector Laboratories
NEUROTRACE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NEUTRAVIDIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
NEVERVENT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Newport Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nexera-i Shimadzu Corporation
NEXSA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Next-Generation Sample Preparation System Thermo Fisher Scientific
NEXTGUARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
NGM Thermo Fisher Scientific
NGM Detect Thermo Fisher Scientific
NGM Select Thermo Fisher Scientific
NICOLET Thermo Fisher Scientific
NITON Thermo Fisher Scientific
NITRO-BLOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
NITRO-BLOCK II Thermo Fisher Scientific
NO CAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
NoLimits Thermo Fisher Scientific
NORAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Normalized Collision Energy Thermo Fisher Scientific
NORTH2SOUTH Thermo Fisher Scientific
NORTHERNMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
NO-STAIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
NOVABLUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
NovaBright Thermo Fisher Scientific
NOVAFLUOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
NOVARED Thermo Fisher Scientific
NOVAYELLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
Novex Thermo Fisher Scientific
NovoCyte  Acea Biosciences, Inc
NO-WEIGH Thermo Fisher Scientific
NucBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
NucGreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
NuclearMask Thermo Fisher Scientific
NUCLEOLINK Fisher Scientific Company
NucRed Thermo Fisher Scientific
NUNC Thermo Fisher Scientific
NUNC & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
NUNCLON Thermo Fisher Scientific
Nuova Thermo Fisher Scientific
NuPAGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
O.B.I.S. Thermo Fisher Scientific
ODALOG (Stylized) Fisher Scientific Company
OEMpowered Thermo Fisher Scientific
OFFTHESHELF Thermo Fisher Scientific
O'GeneRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Oligofectamine Thermo Fisher Scientific
OligoPerfect Thermo Fisher Scientific
OLIGREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
OminGrid GeneMachines
OMNI VIEW Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNI-CARDIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNI-CORE Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNI-IMMUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNI-IMMUNE PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
OmniMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNIPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
OMNI-Sampler Thermo Fisher Scientific
OmniSette Fisher Scientific Company
OmniTray Thermo Fisher Scientific
Oncolocator Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONCOMINE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONCOPRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONCOSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONCOTAQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONCYTE Grace Bio-Labs, Inc
ONE Broth Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONE LAMBDA Thermo Fisher Scientific
One Shot Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONECOMP EBEADS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONEFEED Thermo Fisher Scientific
ONGUARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Open Inventor Thermo Fisher Scientific
OpenArray Thermo Fisher Scientific
OpenLab Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Operational Simplicity Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTAMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTIBIND Thermo Fisher Scientific
Opticap Millipore Corporation
OptiCHO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Optifect Thermo Fisher Scientific
OptiFlex Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTIGROW Fisher Scientific Company
Optik-Wipes Fisher Scientific Company
OPTILINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTILITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTIMA Fisher Scientific Company
Optima LCMS Fisher Scientific Company
Opti-MEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
OptiPro Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTIREAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTISPRAY Thermo Fisher Scientific
OPTIZYME Fisher Scientific Company
OpTmizer Thermo Fisher Scientific
O'RangeRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Orbit Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP ECLIPSE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP EXPLORER Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP EXPLORIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP FUSION Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP FUSION LUMOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORBITRAP ID-X Thermo Fisher Scientific
OREGON GREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Organicfree Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORION Thermo Fisher Scientific
Orion AquaMate Thermo Fisher Scientific
ORION STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Orion Star A Thermo Fisher Scientific
OSCAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Owl Fisher Scientific Company
OWL Electrophoresis Systems
OXOID Thermo Fisher Scientific
OXOID ANAEROGEN (DESIGN) Thermo Fisher Scientific
OXSAS Thermo Fisher Scientific
OXY GENE Thermo Fisher Scientific
OXYBURST Thermo Fisher Scientific
OXYGENE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Oxy-Swab Thermo Fisher Scientific
OXYTUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
P & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
P3000 Thermo Fisher Scientific
PACE The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
PACIFIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pacific Blue Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pacific Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
PACIFIC HEMOSTASIS Fisher Scientific Company
PACIFIC HEMOSTASIS & DESIGN Fisher Scientific Company
Pacific Orange Thermo Fisher Scientific
pAd/BLOCK-iT Thermo Fisher Scientific
pAd/CMV/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
pAd/PL-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
PADL-PET Thermo Fisher Scientific
PageBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
PageRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
PANQUANT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
PARACHEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
PARADISE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Parafilm American National Can Co.
Parafilm Amcor Flexibles North America, Inc. 
PARA-JEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
PARIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PARTICLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PARTISOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
PathAmp Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHATRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PathClones Thermo Fisher Scientific
Patheon Thermo Fisher Scientific
Patheon & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHFINDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATH-ID Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHODX & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHODXTRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PathoLept Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHOPROOF Thermo Fisher Scientific
PATHOTEC Thermo Fisher Scientific
PAXgene PreAnalytiX Gmbh
pBLOCK-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PB-MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCC-54 Thermo Fisher Scientific
pcDNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCR Optimizer Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCR QUEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
PCT Thermo Fisher Scientific
pDEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
PD-EXPRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
pDISPLAY Thermo Fisher Scientific
pDONR Thermo Fisher Scientific
PE/Dazzle 594 Biolegend
PE-CF594 Becton, Dickenson and Company
PEGASUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PeliSpy Thermo Fisher Scientific
Penicylinder Fisher Scientific Company
pENTR Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPMAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPotec Thermo Fisher Scientific
PeppermintStick Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPROGMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
PEPROTECH Thermo Fisher Scientific
PepSwift Thermo Fisher Scientific
PER.C6 Crucell Holland B.V.
PerCP-Vio700 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
PERGEOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PermaFluor Perkin Elmer LAS, Inc.
PERMANOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PERMOUNT Fisher Scientific Company
PerpHecT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PERVENIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pesticide Explorer Thermo Fisher Scientific
PET Thermo Fisher Scientific
PetrOilQuant Thermo Fisher Scientific
PE-Vio615 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
PE-Vio770 Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
pFastBac Thermo Fisher Scientific
PGD-SEQ Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis by NGS Journey Genomics, S.L.
PGM Thermo Fisher Scientific
PH DOCTOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
PH MECHANIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHADIA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHADIATOP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pharmacia GE Healthcare
PHARMACOSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
PharmaFix Thermo Fisher Scientific
PharmaPure Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation
PharMed Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corporation
Pharm-Trol Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHASEMAKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PhastTransfer GE Healthcare
PH-DETECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Phen Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHENOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHENOM PHAROS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHIRE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHITON Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHITONEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHITONEX & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
pHOOK Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHOSPHA-LIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Photometrics Roper Scientific, Inc.
pHrodo Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHUSION Thermo Fisher Scientific
PHYTONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PichiaPink Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICO Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICO PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICOGREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICOLITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICOPURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PICOSPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Picta Thermo Fisher Scientific
PIERCE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PINspector+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
PIP Array Echelon Biosciences
PIP Beads Echelon Biosciences
PIP MicroStrips Echelon Biosciences
PIP Strips Echelon Biosciences
PiPer Thermo Fisher Scientific
PIQUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PIRL (logotype) Thermo Fisher Scientific
pJTI Thermo Fisher Scientific
Plan Apo Nikon, Inc.
Plan Fluor Nikon, Inc.
PLATE+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
PlateCrane Hudson Control Group
PlateCrane SciClops Hudson Control Group
PlateSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Platinum Thermo Fisher Scientific
pLenti4/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
pLenti6/UbC/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
pLenti6/V5-DEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
PLURITEST  Aspen Neuroscience
PMIR-REPORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
POCKETTIPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Polara Thermo Fisher Scientific
PolarScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLBAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLTIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLY Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLY(A)PURIST Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLYLAB Thermo Fisher Scientific
PolyPac Fisher Scientific Company
PolyPaper Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLYPEPTONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLYSORP Thermo Fisher Scientific
POLYSPRING Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-1 Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-4 Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-6 Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-7 Thermo Fisher Scientific
POPO Thermo Fisher Scientific
POP-ONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PO-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
pOptiVEC Thermo Fisher Scientific
POROS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Positope Thermo Fisher Scientific
Powdertainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
PowerEase Thermo Fisher Scientific
POWERED BY AFFYMETRIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
POWERGEN Fisher Scientific Company
PowerLoad Thermo Fisher Scientific
POWERTRACK Thermo Fisher Scientific
POWERUP Thermo Fisher Scientific
POWERX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PPD Thermo Fisher Scientific
PPD (Stylized) Thermo Fisher Scientific
PPD QUERYDIRECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
P-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Precis Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRECIS-CHECK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Precise Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRECISION Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRECLARUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Predictor Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREF-BDT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRELUDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRELUDE LX-4 MD Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRELUDE SPLC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Premion Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRE-MIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Premo Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREPEASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREPFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prepfiler BTA Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prepfiler Express Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepFiler Express BTA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepFiler Lysep Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrepMan Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREP-N-GO Thermo Fisher Scientific
PREPSEP Fisher Scientific Company
PREPSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRESORB Thermo Fisher Scientific
Press-to-Seal Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
PrestoBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIMA Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIMEFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
Primer Express Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIMER FOCUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrimeSTAR Takara Bio Inc.
PRIMEVIEW Thermo Fisher Scientific
Primo Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIOCHECK Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrioCLIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
PrioGENIZER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIONICS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIONICS (WORD AND DESIGN) Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRIORITY SOLUTIONS & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProbeOn Fisher Scientific Company
ProBond Thermo Fisher Scientific
Probot Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROCARTAPLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROCESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROCHEK Thermo Fisher Scientific
PRO-DETECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Prodigy Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROLONG Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROPEL Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROPEL XPRES Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProPlate Grace Bio-Labs, Inc.
PROPOR Domnick Hunter
PRO-Q Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROQUANTUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProQuest Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProSightPD Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROSIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROSPECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROSWIFT Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROSYRIES Fisher Scientific Company
Protein Expression Medium Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protein Thermal Melt Thermo Fisher Scientific
Protein Thermal Shift Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProteinCenter Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROTEINSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Proteome Discoverer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Proteus Thermo Fisher Scientific
ProtoArray Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROTOCOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
PROWATCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
PSC ScoreCard or hPSC ScoreCard Thermo Fisher Scientific
pSCREEN-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
pSHOOTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PS-Speck Thermo Fisher Scientific
pTRACER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PUBGO & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
PUFFER HUBBARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
PURATRONIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pure Thermo Fisher Scientific
Pure BioRobotix Thermo Fisher Scientific
PURE WATER Thermo Fisher Scientific
PureLink Thermo Fisher Scientific
PUREPEAK Thermo Fisher Scientific
PUREQUANT Thermo Fisher Scientific
pVAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Q Exactive Thermo Fisher Scientific
Q5  New England Biolabs
QC-Slide Thermo Fisher Scientific
Qdot Thermo Fisher Scientific
QES Thermo Fisher Scientific
Qiagen Qiagen
QIP-MS Thermo Fisher Scientific
QMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
QSY Thermo Fisher Scientific
Qtegra Thermo Fisher Scientific
QTRACKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUADRANT 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUALITY CLUB Thermo Fisher Scientific
QualTrak Thermo Fisher Scientific
QuantaBlu Thermo Fisher Scientific
QuantaRed Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTAS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quantech Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTI-CULT Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTI-CULT PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTIFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTIGENE Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANT-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quantix Roper Scientific, Inc.
QuantoShelter Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTSTUDIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUANTUMRNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUASOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Qubit Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quick Chill Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUICK TO CARE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quick To Clinic Thermo Fisher Scientific
QuickBag Interbiotech S.r.l.
QUICKFIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
QuickLoader Thermo Fisher Scientific
QuickQuan Thermo Fisher Scientific
QUIKRUN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Qwik Handi-Press Thermo Fisher Scientific
RADEYE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RADHALO Thermo Fisher Scientific
RadPrime Thermo Fisher Scientific
RADSAFE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RAMINA Thermo Fisher Scientific
RAMSEY Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapID Thermo Fisher Scientific
Rapid Flow Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapiDCM Thermo Fisher Scientific
RAPIDFINDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidGlow Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidHIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidHIT CSI Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidHIT ID Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidHIT ID3 Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidHIT ID6 Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidINTEL Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidLINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
RapidMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
RAPIDRUN Thermo Fisher Scientific
RAPIDSTAK Thermo Fisher Scientific
RaptIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
RC Thermo Fisher Scientific
RC BIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
RDO In-Situ
REacton Thermo Fisher Scientific
REACTON (STYLIZED) Thermo Fisher Scientific
ReadiLAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
READYCHECKGO Thermo Fisher Scientific
ReadyLabel Thermo Fisher Scientific
ReadyMate GE Healthcare Bioprocess R&D AB
ReadyMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ReadyProbes Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ready-SET-Go! Thermo Fisher Scientific
ReadyState Thermo Fisher Scientific
Reagent-Free Thermo Fisher Scientific
RECOMB Thermo Fisher Scientific
RECOVERALL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Recovery Thermo Fisher Scientific
Rediload Thermo Fisher Scientific
RediPlate Thermo Fisher Scientific
Redi-Tip Fisher Scientific Company
REDOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
RedoxSensor Thermo Fisher Scientific
REFILL NOT LANDFILL Thermo Fisher Scientific
REMEL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Removawell Thermo Fisher Scientific
RENVO Thermo Fisher Scientific
REPROSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
RESDNASEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
RESMER Thermo Fisher Scientific
RespiFinder  PathoFinder B.V.
Restore Thermo Fisher Scientific
RESULT Thermo Fisher Scientific
RESURGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RETIC LYSATE IVT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Reticset Fisher Scientific Company
RETIC-SET Fisher Scientific Company
RETROSCRIPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
REVCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
RevertAid Thermo Fisher Scientific
REVITACELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
REXYN Fisher Scientific Company
RHEODRIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RHEOSTRESS Thermo Fisher Scientific
RHEOWIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
RHEOWIZARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Rhinohide Thermo Fisher Scientific
Rhodamine Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
Rhodamine Red Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ribbonpro Fisher Scientific Company
RIBOAMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
RIBOGREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
RIBOLADDER Fisher Scientific Company
RiboLock Thermo Fisher Scientific
RiboMinus Thermo Fisher Scientific
RIBOPURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RiboRed Thermo Fisher Scientific
RiboRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ridox Fisher Scientific Company
RIIDEYE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RIM Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNACentury Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNAIMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNAlater Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNAQUEOUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASE AWAY (STYLIZED) Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASE COCKTAIL Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASEALERT Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASECURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASEOUT Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNASEZAP Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNA-TO-CDNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
RNA-TO-CT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Robbins & des Thermo Fisher Scientific
Robotips Thermo Fisher Scientific
RoboVials Thermo Fisher Scientific
Rocket Thermo Fisher Scientific
ROSS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ROSS ULTRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ROTEA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ROTOVISCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
ROX Thermo Fisher Scientific
ROYAL SPORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
rPROTEASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
RX EVIDICE & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
RX-LOCATOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
S Logo Thermo Fisher Scientific
S.N.A.P. Thermo Fisher Scientific
SabIR Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAFE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Safe Imager Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAFECLEAR Fisher Scientific Company
SAFE-COTE Fisher Scientific Company
SAFE-D-SPENSE Fisher Scientific Company
SAFEFIX Fisher Scientific Company
SafeSnap Fisher Scientific Company
SAFESTREAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
SafeTin Fisher Scientific Company
SAFETY CHOICE Fisher Scientific Company
Safire2 Tecan AG Analystische Instrumente
SAGE Genzyme Corporation
Sahara Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAIVI Thermo Fisher Scientific
SalivaReady Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAMCO Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAMPLE TO SNP Thermo Fisher Scientific
SampleArray Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAMPLEMANAGER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SampleManager LIMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAMPLE-TO-SNP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sanicult Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAPPHIRE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAPPHIRE-II Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sartopore Satorius
Savant Thermo Fisher Scientific
SAV-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SC-CSRS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Scintanalyzed Fisher Scientific Company
ScintiGest Fisher Scientific Company
SCINTISAFE Fisher Scientific Company
SCINTIVERSE Fisher Scientific Company
ScintiVials Fisher Scientific Company
SCIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SCIVAULT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SCI-VI Thermo Fisher Scientific
SCOOPULA Fisher Scientific Company
SDS-Out Thermo Fisher Scientific
Seal 2000 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Seal-A-Meal Dazey Corporation
SEAL-IT 100 Thermo Fisher Scientific
SeCore Thermo Fisher Scientific
SECUREMOUNT Fisher Scientific Company
Security-Snap Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sedefend Thermo Fisher Scientific
SEDI-PET Thermo Fisher Scientific
SeeBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
SEFILER PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Select it. See it. Stain it Thermo Fisher Scientific
SELECTFX Thermo Fisher Scientific
SELECTRIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SELECTSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SelectScreen Thermo Fisher Scientific
SELF PACK Thermo Fisher Scientific
SELF-PACK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Selfwise Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sendocap Thermo Fisher Scientific
Senomark Thermo Fisher Scientific
SENSITITRE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SENTINEL Thermo Fisher Scientific
SepCap Thermo Fisher Scientific
SEPRASEAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Seqscreener Thermo Fisher Scientific
SEQSTUDIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
SequalPrep Thermo Fisher Scientific
SequenceRx Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sequencing for All Thermo Fisher Scientific
SerialMate Thermo Fisher Scientific
Seristra Thermo Fisher Scientific
SeroMAP Microspheres Luminex Corporation
Servalyt Serva Feinbiochemica GmbH and Co.
Servin’ Saver Rubbermaid, Inc.
SERVING SCIENCE TOGETHER Fisher Scientific Company
Sevadil Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sf-900 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sf9-MAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sf9-PURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SFP-500 SLM-Aminco
SGM PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Shake 'n' Stack HYBAID LIMITED (England)
Shimadzu Shimadzu
Shuttle PIP Echelon Biosciences
SickleScreen Fisher Scientific Company
SIGNAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
SILAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
SILENCER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SilverQuest Thermo Fisher Scientific
SilverXpress Thermo Fisher Scientific
SimCell Echelon Biosciences
SIMPLE SWITCH Thermo Fisher Scientific
SimpliAmp Thermo Fisher Scientific
SimplyBlue Thermo Fisher Scientific
SINOFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SIPORT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SIPORTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SiteClick Thermo Fisher Scientific
SizeSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
SKANIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SKYLINE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Slide Coat Thermo Fisher Scientific
SLIDE-A-LYZER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SLIDEHYB Thermo Fisher Scientific
SLOWFADE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smart Accessories Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smart Averaging Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART DEEP Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART DIGEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smart Exposure Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART NOTES Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smart Range Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smart Stability Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART2PURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smartainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMARTFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
SmartGonio Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smartion Thermo Fisher Scientific
SmartPeaks Thermo Fisher Scientific
SmartPort Thermo Fisher Scientific
Smartrainer Thermo Fisher Scientific
SmartRun Thermo Fisher Scientific
SmartShutter Sutter Instrument Company
SMARTSPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SmartStart Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMARTSTOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMARTSTROKE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART-TRACKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMART-VUE Thermo Fisher Scientific
S-Matrix S-Matrix Corporation
Smoke-Check Thermo Fisher Scientific
SMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SNAKESKIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Snap-It Thermo Fisher Scientific
SNAPPIES Thermo Fisher Scientific
SNAPPIES & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SNAPSHOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SNARF Thermo Fisher Scientific
SNPolisher Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sodium Green Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sofgels & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Soflet Thermo Fisher Scientific
Soflet Gelcaps Stylized Thermo Fisher Scientific
SoftFit Thermo Fisher Scientific
SoftFit-L Thermo Fisher Scientific
SoftShell SoftShell International, Ltd.
SOFTSPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Soil-Ready Thermo Fisher Scientific
SOLA Thermo Fisher Scientific
SOLARIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SolEx Thermo Fisher Scientific
SolstiX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Solvay Solvay, SA
SORVALL Thermo Fisher Scientific
SOUTHERN-LIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SOUTHERN-STAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPA PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Spark Explorer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Spark-DAT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPARKLEEN Fisher Scientific Company
SpeciMAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Speci-Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECITRAX Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECPURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Specta Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRACAM Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRACAM XDR Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRANALYZED Fisher Scientific Company
SpectraSYSTEM Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRA-TECH Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTROFLUX Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRONIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPECTRONIQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
Spectroscopy Solutions Thermo Fisher Scientific
SpectrumAqua Vysis, Inc.
SPEED VAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
SPEEDVAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sphera Thermo Fisher Scientific
SphingoStrips Echelon Biosciences
SPINNAKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Spoonula Fisher Scientific Company
SPOONULET Fisher Scientific Company
SPOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sputasol Thermo Fisher Scientific
SRM National Institute of Standards and Technology
SRN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SRWD Thermo Fisher Scientific
SSPTool Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stabilized Blood-to-CT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stain Fix Thermo Fisher Scientific
StainEase Thermo Fisher Scientific
STAIN-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Staphaurex Thermo Fisher Scientific
Staphylase Thermo Fisher Scientific
Staphytect Thermo Fisher Scientific
Staphytect Plus Thermo Fisher Scientific
StAR Thermo Fisher Scientific
Star 1 Photometrics
STAR HEAD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Star Navigator 21 Thermo Fisher Scientific
StarHead Thermo Fisher Scientific
StartingBlock Thermo Fisher Scientific
StarWell Thermo Fisher Scientific
StaticAway Fisher Scientific Company
Stbl2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stbl3 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stbl4 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stealth RNAi Thermo Fisher Scientific
Steam-Thru Colder Products Company
StemBeads StemCulture, LLC
STEMFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
StemPro Thermo Fisher Scientific
StemScale Thermo Fisher Scientific
STEPONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
STEPONEPLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
StepVial Thermo Fisher Scientific
StepVial System Thermo Fisher Scientific
STERIBIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stericult Thermo Fisher Scientific
STERI-CULT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stericycle Thermo Fisher Scientific
STERI-CYCLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SterilEnz Paw Bioscience Products, Inc.
Sterilin Thermo Fisher Scientific
SteriLUX Meissner
STERI-RUN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SteriSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
ST-IR Card Thermo Fisher Scientific
STOCKMARKS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stor-It Thermo Fisher Scientific
Stratos Thermo Fisher Scientific
Strep ID II Thermo Fisher Scientific
STREPTEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Strings Thermo Fisher Scientific
STRIP-EASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
STUDYGAGE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Subcloning Efficiency Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sub-Sieve Sizer Fisher Scientific Company
SULFOLINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUMMIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUMO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sun-Sri Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPER BRIGHT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERASE-IN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERBLOCK Thermo Fisher Scientific
SuperBoost Thermo Fisher Scientific
Superclonal Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERFI Thermo Fisher Scientific
Super-G Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPER-NUOVA Thermo Fisher Scientific
SuperPlate Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERSCRIPT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERSEALER Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERSIGNAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUPERSPEED Thermo Fisher Scientific
Super-X Thermo Fisher Scientific
Supor EKV Pall Corporation
SUPPLYOPS Fisher Scientific Company
SUPPLYPREP Fisher Scientific Company
SUPPLYSITE Fisher Scientific Company
Suprafuge Thermo Fisher Scientific
SureAmp Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURECAST Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURECOUNT Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUREFIT Fisher Scientific Company
SURE-FLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUREGRIP Fisher Scientific Company
SureOne Fisher Scientific Company
SUREPAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
SureQuant Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURESPIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURESTACK Fisher Scientific Company
SURESTAIN Fisher Scientific Company
SURESTOP Thermo Fisher Scientific
SureTect Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURE-TEK Fisher Scientific Company
SURETRACE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURETRACE+ Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURETYPE Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURE-VUE Fisher Scientific Company
SURFACT-AMPS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SurfaSil Thermo Fisher Scientific
Surf-Cal Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURVEYOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
SURVEYOR PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
SUSTAIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SW-3000 24-HOUR URINE CONTAINER & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Swap-Top Thermo Fisher Scientific
SWIN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYBR Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYBR GREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYBR GreenER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Syncronis Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYNEXUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Synth-a-Freeze Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYPRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
System 100 Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYTO Thermo Fisher Scientific
SYTOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
TA Cloning Thermo Fisher Scientific
TainerTop Fisher Scientific Company
Tali Thermo Fisher Scientific
TALLTIP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Talos Thermo Fisher Scientific
TALOS ARCTICA Thermo Fisher Scientific
TALXCELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
TAMRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
TAQCHECK Thermo Fisher Scientific
TaqMan Roche Diagnostics, Inc.
TAQPATH Thermo Fisher Scientific
TARGET Thermo Fisher Scientific
Target DP Thermo Fisher Scientific
Target LoVial Thermo Fisher Scientific
Target2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Taxol Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Taxotere Aventis Pharma S.A. Corporation
Tcap Thermo Fisher Scientific
TCAUTOMATION Thermo Fisher Scientific
TC-FlAsH Thermo Fisher Scientific
TCG-ProbeSwabQC Thermo Fisher Scientific
TC-ReAsH Thermo Fisher Scientific
Teal Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tecnai Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tecnai Osiris Thermo Fisher Scientific
Teflon The Chemours Company FC
TEMLink Thermo Fisher Scientific
TEMPUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TEOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
TEOREMA Thermo Fisher Scientific
TestFive Fisher Scientific Company
TET Thermo Fisher Scientific
TetraSpeck Thermo Fisher Scientific
TEXAS RED Thermo Fisher Scientific
THAM Fisher Scientific Company
THE BINDING SITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Binding Site Logo Thermo Fisher Scientific
THE EVIDENCE FORUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERAPURE Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMAL ROCKER Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMANOX Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMICON Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMO FISHER Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC (Stylized) Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMO SCIENTIFIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
THERMO SCIENTIFIC (Stylized) Thermo Fisher Scientific
ThermoChill Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo-Fast Fisher Scientific Company
Thermo-Flask Fisher Scientific Company
THERMOFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo-Mat Thermo Fisher Scientific
ThermoScript Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo-Strips Thermo Fisher Scientific
ThioFusion Thermo Fisher Scientific
ThiolTracker Thermo Fisher Scientific
THIRSTY CELLS Thermo Fisher Scientific
three60 Thermo Fisher Scientific
Threshold Molecular Devices Corporation
Thrive Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thrombo-Wellcotest Fisher Scientific Company
Thunderdome Thermo Fisher Scientific
THYMUNE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thyodene Fisher Scientific Company
Tight-Ties Fisher Scientific Company
TISSUE PATH Fisher Scientific Company
TISSUEPREP Fisher Scientific Company
TITAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Titan3 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-100 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-100H Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-200 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-400 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-500 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-600 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-700 Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-700H Thermo Fisher Scientific
TLD-900 Thermo Fisher Scientific
T-Marker Thermo Fisher Scientific
TMT10plex Proteome Sciences
TOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOMO LIVE Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOMOGRID Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOP WORKS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOPO Thermo Fisher Scientific
TO-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
TopSert Thermo Fisher Scientific
TopVisIon Thermo Fisher Scientific
TopYield Thermo Fisher Scientific
Torrent Suite Thermo Fisher Scientific
Total Aluminum X-ray Analyzer (TAXA) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Total Cement Analyzer (TCA) Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOTALLY RNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOTALPREP Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOTO Thermo Fisher Scientific
TOUCHRAMAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Tox Explorer Thermo Fisher Scientific
ToxBLAzer Thermo Fisher Scientific
ToxID Thermo Fisher Scientific
ToxLab Thermo Fisher Scientific
T-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
TQ Analyst Thermo Fisher Scientific
Trace Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRACE GC ULTRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
TraceFinder Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRACEGOLD Thermo Fisher Scientific
TraceMetal Fisher Scientific Company
TRACEPLOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
TrackIt Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRAKMATES Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRANSCEND Thermo Fisher Scientific
Transcreener Bellbrook Labs, LLC
TranscriptAid Thermo Fisher Scientific
TransfectionLab Thermo Fisher Scientific
TransfectionSelect Thermo Fisher Scientific
TransFix Sheffield Teaching Hospital
TransFluoSpheres Thermo Fisher Scientific
TransformAid Thermo Fisher Scientific
T-REx Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRI Reagent Molecular Research Center, Inc.
Triangle Device Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRIBRID Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRI-COLOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRILAC Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRIMENTUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
Trinity Thermo Fisher Scientific
Triode Thermo Fisher Scientific
TripleFlask Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRIPLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRISCREEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRI-SIL Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRITON Thermo Fisher Scientific
TriTrack Thermo Fisher Scientific
Trizol Molecular Research Center, Inc.
TROPIFLUOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
TROPILON-PLUS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TROPIX Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUBIO Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUDEFENDER Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUDO Thermo Fisher Scientific
True Allele Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUECAST Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUECUT Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUEDESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUEGUIDE Thermo Fisher Scientific
TrueImage Thermo Fisher Scientific
TrueMark Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUETAG Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUFLUOR PH Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUFLUORDO Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRULOGIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUNARC Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUPH Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUSCAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUSENS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUSERVICE Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUTOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUTOOLS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRUTORR Thermo Fisher Scientific
TRYPLE Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ ALTIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ FORTIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ QUANTIS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ QUANTUM Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ QUANTUM DISCOVERY Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ Quantum Ultra Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ Quantum XLS Thermo Fisher Scientific
TSQ Quantum XLS Ultra Thermo Fisher Scientific
TubulinTracker Thermo Fisher Scientific
TUNDRA Thermo Fisher Scientific
TURBO Thermo Fisher Scientific
TURBO DNA-FREE Thermo Fisher Scientific
TURBO DNASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
TurboFect Thermo Fisher Scientific
TURBOFLOW Thermo Fisher Scientific
TURBOFLOW HTLC Thermo Fisher Scientific
TURBOLUC Thermo Fisher Scientific
Turner Thermo Fisher Scientific
Turquoise Thermo Fisher Scientific
TWISTIR Fisher Scientific Company
TypeStream Thermo Fisher Scientific
TypiFix Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ultegra Accumetrics
ULTIMATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ultra RS Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ultrac Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ultracel Merck KGaA
Ultracomp Thermo Fisher Scientific
ULTRACOMP EBEADS Thermo Fisher Scientific
ULTRACRIMP Thermo Fisher Scientific
ULTRAHYB Thermo Fisher Scientific
ULTRALINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
UltraPure Thermo Fisher Scientific
UltraSense Thermo Fisher Scientific
UMAPIT Thermo Fisher Scientific
UNC University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
UniCheck Thermo Fisher Scientific
UNIGUARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
UniMatch Thermo Fisher Scientific
Uni-OF Thermo Fisher Scientific
UNIPRIME Thermo Fisher Scientific
UNIQUANT (STYLIZED) Thermo Fisher Scientific
UniQuantometer Thermo Fisher Scientific
Unitary Thermo Fisher Scientific
UNITY Thermo Fisher Scientific
Universal Sample Preparation Module Thermo Fisher Scientific
Untouched Thermo Fisher Scientific
Unwire Thermo Fisher Scientific
Urea-PDA Disk Thermo Fisher Scientific
URINEGUARD & DESIGN Thermo Fisher Scientific
URISYSTEM Fisher Scientific Company
USB Thermo Fisher Scientific
uTYPE Thermo Fisher Scientific
UZ-View Thermo Fisher Scientific
V450 Becton, Dickenson and Company
V500 Becton, Dickenson and Company
VACCZYME Thermo Fisher Scientific
VALID Thermo Fisher Scientific
Validator Thermo Fisher Scientific
Validex Thermo Fisher Scientific
VALPRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Val-Q Thermo Fisher Scientific
VANQUISH Thermo Fisher Scientific
VARELISA Thermo Fisher Scientific
VARIANT REPORTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
VariFlow Fisher Scientific Company
Vari-Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific
VARIOSKAN Thermo Fisher Scientific
Vector E.D. Bullard
Vector NTI Advance Thermo Fisher Scientific
Vectra-Piezo Thermo Fisher Scientific
Veggietones Thermo Fisher Scientific
Velcro Velcro BVBA 
Velox Thermo Fisher Scientific
VENTGARD Thermo Fisher Scientific
Veo Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERIFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERIFLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERIQUEST Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERITI Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERITILINK Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERITIPRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSA Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSA FLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSA STAR Fisher Scientific Company
VERSA STAR PRO Fisher Scientific Company
versaCART Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSA-CLEAN Fisher Scientific Company
VERSACOOL Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSATREK Thermo Fisher Scientific
Versatrol Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSATROL & Design Thermo Fisher Scientific
Versa-Vial Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSAWEIGH Thermo Fisher Scientific
Versenol Dow Chemical
Versette Thermo Fisher Scientific
VERSI-DRY Thermo Fisher Scientific
VESTRUM HEALTH Thermo Fisher Scientific
VetDrugs Explorer Thermo Fisher Scientific
VetMax Thermo Fisher Scientific
ViaGram Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIC Thermo Fisher Scientific
VICTOR PerkinElmer
Victoreen First Lafayette Acquisition, L.L.C.
ViewPoint Carson Optical
VIEWRNA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ViiA Thermo Fisher Scientific
VILO Thermo Fisher Scientific
VioBlue Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
VioGreen Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
VIOS Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIPER Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIRAL-PLEX Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIRALSEQ Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIRAPOWER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Virtual Column Thermo Fisher Scientific
VISCOTESTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
VisiDoc-It UVP, LLC
VISion life Thermo Fisher Scientific
VISion lite Thermo Fisher Scientific
VISion pro Thermo Fisher Scientific
VISion security Thermo Fisher Scientific
VISIONMATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Viton The Chemours Company FC, LLC
VITROBOT Thermo Fisher Scientific
VITROEASE Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIVID Thermo Fisher Scientific
Vivid Colors Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIVOFECTAMINE Thermo Fisher Scientific
VIZION Thermo Fisher Scientific
VOLUMESCOPE Thermo Fisher Scientific
VR Toolkit Thermo Fisher Scientific
VYBRANT Thermo Fisher Scientific
WaterBugs Thermo Fisher Scientific
Waters Waters Corporation
WATSON Thermo Fisher Scientific
Watson LIMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
WAVY LINES DEVICE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Wax Out Fisher Scientific Company
WE DO DATA SMARTER Thermo Fisher Scientific
WEBSEAL Thermo Fisher Scientific
WeChat Tencent Holdings Limited
WEDGEWELL Thermo Fisher Scientific
Wellcogen Fisher Scientific Company
Wellcolex Thermo Fisher Scientific
WELLMATE Thermo Fisher Scientific
WELLWASH Thermo Fisher Scientific
WESTERNBREEZE Thermo Fisher Scientific
WesternDot Thermo Fisher Scientific
WIKILITE Thermo Fisher Scientific
Windows Microsoft Corporation
Windows 7 Microsoft Corporation
Windows CE Microsoft Corporation
Windows NT Microsoft Corporation
Windows Vista Microsoft Corporation
Windows XP Microsoft Corporation
WinREMS Thermo Fisher Scientific
WKITS Thermo Fisher Scientific
X logo Thermo Fisher Scientific
XCALIBUR Thermo Fisher Scientific
XCell II Thermo Fisher Scientific
XCell SureLock Thermo Fisher Scientific
XCell4 SureLock Thermo Fisher Scientific
X-CFEG Thermo Fisher Scientific
Xenith Thermo Fisher Scientific
XENO Thermo Fisher Scientific
XENON Thermo Fisher Scientific
Xenon  Cermax
X-FEG Thermo Fisher Scientific
XI Thermo Fisher Scientific
XLXR Thermo Fisher Scientific
xMAP Luminex Corporation
xMAP Flock Monitor Luminex Corporation
xMAP Salmonella Luminex Corporation
XM-Series Carson Optical
XPECT Thermo Fisher Scientific
XPERT Thermo Fisher Scientific
Xplore3D Thermo Fisher Scientific
xPONENT Luminex Corporation
Xpress Thermo Fisher Scientific
X-Press SPEX SamplePrep
XSERIES 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific
xTAG Luminex Corporation
xTAG CYP2C19 Kit v3 Luminex Corporation
xTAG CYP2D6 Kit v3 Luminex Corporation
xTAG Cystic Fibrosis Kit Luminex Corporation
xTAG Gastrointestinal Luminex Corporation
xTAG Microspheres Luminex Corporation
xTAG Respiratory Luminex Corporation
XTERMINATOR Thermo Fisher Scientific
XTerra Waters Corporation
XTRACT-IT Thermo Fisher Scientific
XXS Genes Thermo Fisher Scientific
YEASTONE Thermo Fisher Scientific
YES Thermo Fisher Scientific
YFILER Thermo Fisher Scientific
YO-PRO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Your Life Science Source Fisher Scientific Company
YOYO Thermo Fisher Scientific
Y-PER Thermo Fisher Scientific
Zap! Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited
ZE5  Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
ZEBA Thermo Fisher Scientific
ZEBRAWASH Thermo Fisher Scientific
ZEN Thermo Fisher Scientific
ZENON Thermo Fisher Scientific
Zenosoft Coastal Climate Company
ZeoCassette Thermo Fisher Scientific
Zero Blunt Thermo Fisher Scientific
Ziploc S.C. Johnson
ZipRuler Thermo Fisher Scientific
Z'-LYTE Thermo Fisher Scientific
ZOOM Thermo Fisher Scientific
ZoomScan Thermo Fisher Scientific
ZyMax Thermo Fisher Scientific