Check Order Status and Track Shipments

For online or offline orders, the Order Lookup Tool lets you track your order status and check on shipments through delivery with your sales order number. You can also access dispatch notes.


Access the Order lookup tool now

  • Search by PO or sales order number
  • Track order status and shipment information
  • Access dispatch notes

Check status without logging in

Select 'Order Status' at the top right of the website or visit Enter your PO number or sales order number by selecting the top radio button. Then, input the shipping postal code/zip code and click 'View Order Details’. For PO numbers with multiple orders assigned, you may need to specify an order date range to obtain status for the correct order. 

Access dispatch notes

View the most up-to-date availability information for each product in your order and access the dispatch notes.

Track shipments

Click 'Track Shipments' to view the expected arrival date(s) and access the shipment tracking details for that order, including the number of items and products in each shipment.


Logging into your account will provide your complete order information and order history.