Privacy Policy

Fisher Scientific Korea Ltd Privacy Policy


Fisher Scientific Korea Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") complies with the personal information protection regulations under the Personal Information Protection Act and is committed to protecting the rights and interests of users by establishing a personal information processing policy in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Through the Privacy Policy, the Company will inform you of the purpose and method of using the personal information you provide and what measures are being taken to protect your personal information. If we revise the Privacy Policy, we will notify you through the website notice (or individual notice). This policy is effective as of April 24, 2024, and sets forth the following information about our privacy practices.


Fisher Scientific Korea Ltd Privacy Policy


Article 1 Items of personal information we process

Article 2 Purpose of Processing Personal Information

Article 3 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

Article 4 Additional Use of Personal Information□ Judgment Criteria for Provision

Article 5 Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Data (including International Transfers)

Article 6 Retention and use period of personal information

Article 7 Procedures and methods for destroying personal information

Article 8 Rights and Obligations of Users and Their Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them

Article 9 Installation/Operation and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

Article 10 Measures to secure the safety of personal information

Section 11 Contact Information for the Privacy Officer and Representatives

Article 12 Remedies for Infringement


Article 1 Items of personal information we process

We collect the following minimum amount of personal information

1. what personal data we process 

  • Homepage membership information 

  • Required: Last name, first name, email, country

  • Optional: Company or organization name, city, additional customizable personal information (profile photo, department, job profile, company/agency, job title, contact information (account name, contact person, fax, department or lab, building or lab, street address/new address, city, state, zip code or postal code)) 

  • Customer information for online (regular members) and offline product orders/equipment service applications (personal information items processed without consent pursuant to Article 15, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Personal Information Protection Act)

  • Customer information (company name/department, customer address, contact name, title, work phone number, email, business license)

  • Billing information (company name, department/building or lab, business address, contact name, title, work phone number, invoicing email, business license)

  • Shipping address information (company name, department/building or lab, shipping address, contact name, title, work phone number, email, business license, and tracking number)

  • Order information (SO number, ST number, ordered product), purchased product information, payment information (PO number, bank name, account number, credit card company name, credit card number, credit card expiration date)

  • Information required for submission of plans and reports to government agencies as required by laws related to our products (such as the Act on the Transboundary Movement of Genetically Modified Organisms, etc.

  • Visitor information

  • Company or organization name, department name, title, visitor name, phone number, email address 

  • Events (online/offline seminars, trainings, and exhibitions) About participating

  • Company name, department name, title, full name, email address, phone number

  • About participating in sweepstakes (events)

  • Company name, department name, title, full name, phone numberInquiry/Consultation customer information

  • Company or organization name, department name, inquirer's name, company phone number or contact person, email address, inquiry/consultation history and processing history (including customer-submitted text, images, video content, access logs, etc.)

  • Survey participant information  

  • Required: Name, organization, phone number, and email address

  • Select: Address to which the item will be delivered

  • Edu Center Membership Information 

  • Required: Name, email, phone number, company information

  • Optional: Address, phone number, additional customizable personal information (date of birth, full name, profile photo)


  • The Company may utilize the above personal information for marketing with the separate consent of the data subject.


  • About marketing leverage

  • Optional: Company name (organization), department name, full name, title, phone number, email, country, address, and product family

  • Edu Center Educational Consultation

  • Company or organization name, inquirer name, contact information, email, inquiry/consultation history, and processing history (including customer-submitted text, images, video content, access logs, etc.)

  • Lecturer information (personal information items processed without consent pursuant to Article 15, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Personal Information Protection Act)

  • Speaker information (name of company or institution, name of department or lab, title, full name, address, phone number, email address, field of work (applied research, primary research)), image and video with speaker's portrait, audio

  • A copy of the account number (bank name, account number, and depository) for your speaking fee, and a copy of your ID for withholding (social security card or driver's license)

  • Information automatically generated and collected when you use our internet services 

  • IP address, cookies, MAC address, service usage, and visit history 


Article 2 Purpose of Processing Personal Information

The Company processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information processed will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use changes, the Company will take necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act. 

  • Sign up for the homepage

  • Identity verification, confirmation of membership intention, prevention of unauthorized use by rogue members, prevention of unauthorized use, and provision of membership services (including company/product introduction and use of various contents posted on the homepage)

  • Online and in-store product ordering/equipment service requests

  • Provision of goods or services, sale and delivery of the Company's products, invoicing and payment of payments, tax reporting, and other services incidental to the sale of products, including concluding contracts for equipment maintenance (in the case of customers using equipment) and fulfillment of already concluded contracts, preservation of service records, and submission of plans and reports to government agencies required by laws relating to the Company's products (such as the Act on the Transboundary Movement of Genetically Modified Organisms, etc.

  • Leverage marketing

  • For online and offline marketing and advertising; to provide personalized services to customers who purchase our products; to provide our services and deliver information about our products (including newsletters), product introductions, promotions and events; to develop new services; to send and deliver advertisements, promotional items or materials such as souvenirs based on statistical analysis; and to conduct customer satisfaction surveys regarding our products and services.

  • Handling inquiries/consultations

  • Verification of the identity of the complainant, confirmation of the complaint, follow-up procedures such as processing and replying to customer inquiries, preservation of purchase records for customer grievances, dispute settlement, etc.

  • Walk-in registration

  • Ancillary tasks such as company security management, visitor management, and various notices.

  • Attend events (online/offline seminars, training, trade shows)

  • Receiving event applications, issuing attendance certificates and delivering event-related notices, and following up on post-event surveys and requests.

  • Participating in events (giveaways)

  • Run events and deliver prizes

  • Take a survey

  • Conducting event-related surveys, managing complaints  , and delivering and shipping prizes based on survey participation

  • Sign up for Edu Center

  • Identity verification, confirmation of membership intent, prevention of fraudulent use by rogue members, prevention of unauthorized use

  • Edu Center Ancillary tasks related to education operations, such as managing education applicants, delivering various notices and guidelines, and issuing certificates of completion, processing and replying to education-related requests, managing company visitors, and providing other member services

  • Edu Center Educational Consultation

  • Follow-up procedures such as processing and replying to other customer inquiries, handling members' grievances, verifying complaints, and responding to damage relief, etc.

  • Speakers

  • Publish, use, reproduce, and distribute images, videos, and audio containing the Speaker's likeness in publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases, CD ROMs, DVDs, websites, and internet sites, including ancillary business such as payment and withholding of speaker fees, visitor management, and various notices, and for the Company's commercial or non-commercial purposes and marketing purposes


Article 3 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties (including International Transfers)

1. The Company processes the personal information of the information subject only within the scope specified in Article 2 (Purpose of Processing Personal Information), and provides personal information to third parties only in cases falling under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as the consent of the information subject, special provisions of the law, and additional provision of personal information based on legal judgment.

2. provided by a domestic third party 



To whom





Recipient's Purpose of Use





Items of personal information you provided





Retention and Usage Period





Thermo Fisher Scientific Korea Ltd.





  • Integrated membership management, archiving and database of member information

  • For online and offline marketing and advertising; to provide personalized services to customers who purchase our products and to deliver product-related information (including newsletters), product introductions, and information about promotions and events; to develop our services; to send and deliver advertisements based on statistical analysis; to send and deliver promotional items or materials, such as souvenirs; and to conduct customer satisfaction surveys regarding our products and services.

  • Verification of the identity of the complainant, confirmation of the complaint, follow-up procedures such as processing and replying to customer inquiries, preservation of purchase records for customer grievances, dispute settlement, etc.

  • Receiving event applications, issuing attendance certificates and delivering event-related notices, and following up on post-event surveys and requests.

  • Run events and deliver prizes

  • Conducting event-related surveys, managing complaints  , and delivering and shipping prizes based on survey participation

  • Edu Center Ancillary tasks related to education operations, such as managing education applicants, delivering various notices and guidelines, and issuing certificates, processing and replying to education-related requests, managing company visitors, and providing other member services

  • Edu Center Follow-up procedures such as processing and replying to other customer inquiries, handling members' grievances, checking complaints, and responding to damage relief, etc.

  • Publish, use, reproduce, and distribute images, videos, and audio containing the Speaker's likeness in publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases, CD ROMs, DVDs, websites, and internet sites, including ancillary business such as payment and withholding of speaker fees, visitor management, and various notices, and for the Company's commercial or non-commercial purposes and marketing purposes






  • Homepage member information (first name, last name, email, country, company or organization name, city, additional customizable personal information (profile photo, department, job profile, company/affiliation, job title))

  • Customer information (Customer Organization, company name/department, customer address, contact name, work phone number, email, business license)

  • Billing information (company name, department/building or lab, business address, contact name, business phone number, invoicing email, business license)

  • Shipping address information (company name, department/building or lab, shipping address, contact name, business phone number, email, and business license), shipping number

  • Order information (SO number, ST number, ordered product), purchased product information

  • Visitor information (company or organization name, department name, title, visitor full name, phone number, email address) 

  • Event participation information (company name, department name, title, full name, email address, phone number)

  • Sweepstakes (event) entry information (company name, department name, title, full name, phone number)

  • Inquiry/consultation customer information (company or organization name, name of the inquirer, business phone number or mobile phone number, email address, inquiry/consultation history and processing history (including text, images, video content provided by the inquirer, access logs, etc.)

  • Survey participation information (name, affiliation, phone number, email address)

  • Edu Center member information (name, email, mobile number, company information, address, phone number, and additional personal information that you can set (date of birth, full name, profile photo))

  • Marketing utilization information (company name, name, title, phone number, email, country, address and product line, and personal information for which separate consent has been obtained from the data subject among the personal information items provided above)

  • Edu Center Educational consultation (company or institution name, inquirer's name, contact information, email, inquiry/consultation history, and processing history (including text, images, video content, access logs, etc. submitted by the inquirer))

  • Speaker information (company or institution name, department or laboratory name, title, full name, address, phone number, email address, field of work (application, main research area), image and video with speaker's portrait, voice






Unless obliged to retain your personal information in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations, the recipient will retain your personal information as follows  for use



  • Member information: Until you cancel your membership. However, [name, email address] will be kept for 6 months after withdrawal for the purpose of preventing the recurrence of unauthorized members. 

  • Customer information for product orders and equipment service applications: 5 years from the date of final payment or supply

  • Visitor information: 1 year from date of collection

  • Event (online/offline seminars, trainings, exhibitions) participation information: 1 year from date of collection

  • About entering a giveaway (event): Until the end of the event

  • - Inquiry/consultation customer information: 1 year from the date of collection - Surveys: Until the survey is completed. However, personal information of survey participants collected for the purpose of handling follow-up business based on the survey results (e.g., improving inconveniences) may be retained for up to 1 year from the time of survey participation  and personal information of survey participants collected for the purpose of delivering and shipping goods based on participation in the survey may be retained until the delivery of the goods is completed  

  • Speaker Information: 2 years, except that if photographs and footage taken are used in company promotional materials (including publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases, etc.), newsletters, etc., such photographs and footage will be retained for the life of the medium  






However, it is retained until the time of withdrawal of membership or withdrawal of consent or termination of the service for the purpose of online and offline marketing and advertising, providing customized services to customers who purchase products and delivering product-related information (including newsletters), product introductions, promotion and event information, development of new services, advertisements based on statistical analysis, sending and delivering promotional products or materials such as souvenirs, and customer satisfaction surveys regarding products and services  





FEI Korea Limited.





Fisher Clinical Services Korea Ltd.





Thermo Fisher Scientific Solutions LLC





Ministry of Science and ICT 



Research Environment and Safety Team, Office of Future Talent Policy





Reviewing import declarations for LMO products that data subjects purchase from your company





Information required for submission of plans and reports to government agencies as required by laws related to our products (such as the Act on the Transboundary Movement of Genetically Modified Organisms, etc.



- Ordering organization information (company name/department, ordering organization address, contact name, business phone number, and email)



- Shipping address information (company name, shipping address, contact name, and business phone number)





Until the purpose of use has been fulfilled (or for as long as you are obliged to retain them under legal provisions)




3. international transfers 



Transfer recipient's full name and country of transfer





Transfer recipient's intended use





What personal information is transferred





When and how to migrate





Retention and Usage Period





Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.



‣ Privacy department name:



Global Privacy Office



‣ Contact the Privacy Officer:



‣ United States
















  • Homepage member information (first name, last name, email, country, company or organization name, city, additional customizable personal information (profile photo, department, job profile, company/affiliation, job title))

  • Customer information (Customer Organization, company name/department, customer address, contact name, work phone number, email, business license)

  • Billing information (company name, department/building or lab, business address, contact name, business phone number, invoicing email, business license)

  • Shipping address information (company name, department/building or lab, shipping address, contact name, work phone number, email, business license), shipping number

  • Order information (SO number, ST number, ordered product), purchased product information

  • Visitor information (company or organization name, department name, title, visitor full name, phone number, email address) 

  • Event participation information (company name, department name, title, full name, email address, phone number)

  • Sweepstakes (event) entry information (company name, department name, title, full name, phone number)

  • Inquiry/Consultation Customer Information (company or organization name, name of the inquirer, business phone or mobile phone number, email address, inquiry/consultation history and processing history (including the content of text, images, videos, and access logs provided by the inquirer))

  • Survey participation information (name, affiliation, phone number, email address)

  • Marketing utilization information (company name, full name, title, phone number, email, country, address, and product line, and personal information for which separate consent has been obtained from the data subject for any of the previous personal information items above)

  • Speaker information (image and video with speaker's portrait, audio)






Electronic transmission over a secure private network immediately after consent and collection





Unless obliged to retain your personal information under the provisions of applicable laws, the recipient will retain your personal information as follows  and use it 



  • Homepage member information: Until you withdraw your membership. However, [name, email address] will be kept for 6 months after withdrawal for the purpose of preventing the recurrence of unauthorized members. 

  • Customer information for product orders and equipment service applications: 5 years from the date of final payment or supply

  • Visitor information: 1 year from date of collection

  • Participation in events (online/offline seminars, trainings, exhibitions): 1 year from date of collection

  • About entering a giveaway (event): Until the end of the event

  • Contact/Consultation Customer Information: 1 year from date of collection

  • Surveys: Until completion of the survey (however, personal information of survey participants collected for the purpose of following up on the results of the survey (e.g., to resolve any inconveniences) may be retained for up to one year after participation in the survey  and personal information of survey participants collected for the purpose of delivering and shipping products based on participation in the survey may be retained until the delivery and shipping of the products is completed ) 

  • Speaker Information: 2 years (however, if photographs and footage taken are used in company promotional materials (including publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases), websites, etc., such photographs and footage will be retained for the life of the medium  )






However, it is used for online and offline marketing and advertising; to provide customized services for each customer who purchases products and to deliver product-related information (including newsletters), product introductions, promotions, and event information; to develop new services; to send and deliver advertisements, souvenirs, and other promotional items or materials based on statistical analysis; and to conduct customer satisfaction surveys regarding products and services.  Retained until withdrawal of membership or withdrawal of consent or termination of service








  • Integrated member management, archiving, database, and backup of member information

  • For online and offline marketing and advertising; to provide personalized services to customers who purchase our products and to send you information about our products (including newsletters), product introductions, promotions, and event information; to develop new services; to advertise based on statistical analysis; to send and deliver promotional items or materials, such as souvenirs; and to research customer satisfaction with our products and services. 

  • Publish, use, reproduce, and distribute images, video, and audio containing the speaker's likeness in publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases, CD ROMs, DVDs, websites, internet sites, etc. for the Company's commercial or non-commercial purposes and for marketing purposes 





Thermo Fisher Scientific Pte Ltd.



‣ Privacy department name:



Global Privacy Office



‣ Contact the Privacy Officer:



‣ Singapore





  • For online and offline marketing and advertising; to provide personalized services to customers who purchase our products and to send you information about our products (including newsletters), product introductions, promotions and event information; to develop new services; and to send and deliver advertising, promotional items or materials based on statistical analysis.

  • Publish, use, reproduce, and distribute images, video, and audio containing the speaker's likeness in publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases, CD ROMs, DVDs, websites, internet sites, etc. for the Company's commercial or non-commercial purposes and for marketing purposes





  • Homepage member information (first name, last name, email, country, company or organization name, city, additional customizable personal information (profile photo, department, job profile, company/affiliation, job title))

  • Customer information (Customer Organization, company name/department, customer address, contact name, work phone number, email, business license)

  • Billing information (company name, department/building or lab, business address, contact name, business phone number, invoicing email, business license)

  • Shipping address information (company name, department/building or lab, shipping address, contact name, business phone number, email, and business license), shipping number

  • Order information (SO number, ST number, ordered product), purchased product information

  • Inquiry/consultation customer information (company or organization name, name of the inquirer, business phone number or mobile phone number, email address, inquiry/consultation history and processing history (including text, images, video content provided by the inquirer, access logs, etc.)

  • Survey participation information (name, affiliation, phone number, email address)

  • Marketing utilization information (company name, full name, title, phone number, email, country, address, and product line, and personal information for which separate consent has been obtained from the data subject for any of the previous personal information items above)





Electronic transmission over a secure, private network immediately after consent and collection 





Until you cancel your membership, withdraw your consent, or terminate the Service






Speaker Information: 2 years (however, if photographs and footage taken are used in company promotional materials (including publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases), websites, etc., such photographs and footage will be retained for the life of the medium  )







4. However, we may provide personal information without your consent in the following exceptions

① When an investigative agency requests the provision of personal information for the purpose of an investigation in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by relevant laws, and the Company is legally obligated to respond.

Provide pseudonymous information that does not contain information that can be used to identify a specific individual for statistical purposes, scientific research, public recordkeeping, etc.

③ Other laws have special rules.

④ Transfer or merger of business

⑤ Additional provision of personal information pursuant to Article 4 of this Policy, etc.

5. If the Company is required to transfer the personal information of users due to reasons related to the transfer of business, etc., the Company shall notify the user in advance of the fact of personal information transfer in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by the relevant laws, and the user shall be granted the right to refuse the transfer of personal information.


Article 4 Additional Use of Personal Information□ Judgment Criteria for Provision

Pursuant to Articles 15 (3) and 17 (4) of the Personal Information Protection Act, the Company may provide additional uses□ of personal information without the consent of the information subject in consideration of Article 14 (2) of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act. Accordingly, the Company has considered the following matters in order to provide additional use□ without the consent of the information subject.

  • Whether the additional use or disclosure of personal information is related to the purpose for which it was originally collected.

  • Whether it is foreseeable, based on the circumstances under which the personal information was collected or the processing practices, that the further use or provision of the personal information is likely to occur

  • Whether the further use or provision of personal information unreasonably infringes on the interests of the data subject

  • Whether you've taken the necessary steps to ensure safety, such as pseudonymization or encryption.


Article 5 Outsourcing the Processing of Personal Data (including International Transfers)

1. The Company entrusts the processing of users' personal information as follows, and the trustee entrusted with the processing may process personal information in accordance with the purpose of the entrustment.








What we're outsourcing





Hyundai Research Institute





Operate Edu Center infrastructure




2. The trustee is re-delegated as follows with the approval of the Company, and the trustee entrusted with the processing of the work may process personal information in accordance with the purpose of the entrustment.













What they're outsourcing





Hyundai Research Institute










Verify your identity










Remote Support Services





CJ Olive Networks





Text guidance




3. The consignment services handled by overseas subsidiaries for the smooth handling of personal information are as follows. 



Transfer recipient's full name and country of transfer





Transfer recipient's intended use





What personal information is transferred





When and how to migrate





Retention and Usage Period





Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. 



‣ Privacy department name:



Global Privacy Office



‣ Contact the Privacy Officer:



‣ United States














  • Establishing and maintaining a computerized system for storing and operating personal information of information subjects

  • Sending online or offline marketing communications to promote or solicit the sale of goods or services








  • Homepage member information (first name, last name, email, country, company or organization name, city, additional customizable personal information (profile photo, department, job profile, company/affiliation, job title))

  • Customer information (Customer Organization, company name/department, customer address, contact name, work phone number, email, business license)

  • Billing information (company name, department/building or lab, business address, contact name, business phone number, invoicing email, business license)

  • Shipping address information (company name, department/building or lab, shipping address, contact name, work phone number, email, business license), shipping number

  • Order information (SO number, ST number, ordered product), purchased product information

  • Visitor information (company or organization name, department name, title, visitor full name, phone number, email address) 

  • Event participation information (company name, department name, title, full name, email address, phone number)

  • Sweepstakes (event) entry information (company name, department name, title, full name, phone number)

  • Inquiry/consultation customer information (company or organization name, name of the inquirer, business phone or mobile phone number, email address, inquiry/consultation history and processing history (including text, images, video content provided by the inquirer, access logs, etc.)

  • Survey participation information (name, affiliation, phone number, email address)

  • Marketing utilization information (company name, full name, title, phone number, email, country, address, and product line, and personal information for which separate consent has been obtained from the data subject for any of the previous personal information items above)

  • Speaker information (company or institution name, department or laboratory name, title, full name, address, phone number, email address, field of work (application, main research area), image and video with speaker's portrait, audio






Electronic transmission over a secure private network immediately after consent and collection





For the duration of the Company's retention and use of the data subject's personal information or until the termination of the contract between the Company and Thermo Fisher Scientific, whichever occurs first.





Thermo Fisher Scientific Pte Ltd.



‣ Privacy department name:



Global Privacy Office



‣ Contact the Privacy Officer:



‣ Singapore








  • Sending online or offline marketing communications to promote or solicit the sale of goods or services





Amazon Cloud



‣ Amazon Global Cloud service delivery regions





  • Retaining data subject personal information





Microsoft Corporation



‣ Azure Global Cloud service delivery regions





  • Retaining data subject personal information








‣ Affiliates in the United States, other countries (including countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA))





  • Establishing and maintaining a computerized system for storing and operating personal information of information subjects





  • Company or organization name, contactor name, company phone number, email address, inquiry/consultation history, and handling history




4. When entering into a consignment contract, the Company specifies in documents such as contracts the prohibition of processing personal information other than for the purpose of performing consignment work, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-consignment, management and supervision of the consignee, and responsibilities such as damages in accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, and supervises whether the consignee handles personal information safely.

5. The Company will disclose the contents of the entrusted work or the change of the trustee through this personal information processing policy without delay. 


Article 6 Retention and use period of personal information

1. The Company shall process and retain personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or within the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from the information subject. 

2. The Company's personal information processing and retention periods are as follows 

  • Member information: Until you cancel your membership. However, [name, email address] will be kept for 6 months after membership withdrawal for the purpose of preventing the recurrence of unauthorized members.

  • Customer information for product orders and equipment service applications: 5 years from the date of final payment or supply

  • Marketing use: Until opt-out, withdrawal of consent, or termination of service

  • Visitor information: 1 year from date of collection

  • Participation in events (online/offline seminars, trainings, exhibitions): 1 year from date of collection

  • Event (giveaway) participation information: Until the end of the event Inquiry/Consultation customer information: 1 year from the date of collection 

  • Information of customers participating in surveys: Until the survey is completed. However, we may retain your personal information for up to one year after your participation in the survey for the purpose of handling follow-up business based on the results of the survey (e.g., to resolve any inconveniences)  and for the purpose of delivering and shipping products based on your participation in the survey until the delivery of the products is completed  

  • Speaker information: 2 years from the date of collection, except that if the photographs and videos taken are used in company promotional materials (including publications, newsletters, magazines, brochures, press releases), websites, etc.

  • Applicant information: within a period ranging from 14 to 180 days after completion of the hiring process


3. However, if it is necessary to preserve personal information in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Commercial Act, the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. In this case, the Company shall use the retained information only for the purpose of retention, and the retention period is as follows.

  1. If an investigation or investigation is underway due to violation of relevant laws, etc.

  1. If a debt-debt relationship remains from using the online website, until the debt-debt relationship is settled.

  1. <Records of transactions such as display, advertising, contract contents and performance in accordance with the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

  • Records for Display-Advertising: 6 months

  • Records of contracts or withdrawals, payments, supply of goods, etc.: 5 years

  • Records of consumer complaints or dispute handling: 3 years


Article 7 Procedures and methods for destroying personal information

  1. In principle, the Company destroys personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period or the fulfillment of the purpose of processing. 

  1. If the personal information retention period agreed to by the information subject has expired or the purpose of processing has been achieved, but the personal information must continue to be retained in accordance with other laws and regulations, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different storage location.

  1. The process and methods for destroying personal information are as follows

  1. Destruction Procedures 
    The Company selects personal information to be destroyed and destroys the personal information file or destroys some personal information in the personal information file with the approval of the department head of the Company. The results of the destruction of personal information shall be confirmed to the person in charge of personal information protection and, if necessary, the information subject shall be notified of the destruction of personal information.

  1. Destruction methods

The Company destroys personal information records recorded and stored in the form of electronic files by deleting, initializing, or overwriting them using dedicated device equipment so that they cannot be reproduced. In the case of destroying only a part of the personal information, the Company shall manage and supervise the personal information so that it cannot be recovered and reproduced after deletion, or destroy the part by masking, perforating, etc. 


Article 8 Rights and Obligations of Users and Legal Representatives and How to Exercise Them 

1. You may exercise any of the following privacy-related rights at any time against the Company.

  1. Request access to personal information

  1. Requesting corrections for errors, etc.

  1. Request deletion

  1. Processing stops

2. The exercise of rights under Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, by telephone, e-mail, etc. to the Company, and the Company will take action without delay. If the user requests the correction or deletion of errors in personal information, the Company will not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.

[Personal information related right of action□ processing department] 

  • Department Name: IT

  • Contact Person: Lee Jae Hoon

  • Address: 12th floor, Suseo Office Building, 281 Gwangpyeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

  • Phone: 070-7914-6562 (available 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

  • Email: 

3. The rights under Paragraph 1 may be exercised through an agent, such as a legal representative or a person authorized by the user. In this case, you must submit a power of attorney in the form of Appendix No. 11 of the Notification on the Method of Processing Personal Information (No. 2023-12).

4. Requests for access to personal information and suspension of processing may be subject to restrictions on your rights under Article 35 (4) and Article 37 (2) of the Personal Information Protection Act. 

5. a request for the correction or deletion of personal information cannot be made if the personal information is specified as the subject of collection under another law.

6. The user shall not violate the personal information and privacy of the user or others processed by the Company in violation of relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act. 


Article 9 Installation/Operation and Rejection of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

The Company uses "cookies" to store and retrieve information about users from time to time. A cookie is a very small text file sent to your browser by the server used to operate the Company's website and stored on your computer's hard disk. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes

1. Purpose of use of cookies: to analyze the frequency and duration of access to the website, and to understand the number of visits by users.

2. install/operate and reject cookies

  1. You have a choice about the installation of cookies, so you can accept all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is stored, or refuse to store all cookies by setting options in your web browser.

  1. You can refuse to accept cookies by selecting the options in your web browser to either accept all cookies, require confirmation each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies. For example, in Internet Explorer, you can set the rejection of cookies in the Tools → Internet Options → Privacy section at the top of your web browser. However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be limitations in the provision of the Service.


Article 10 Measures to secure the safety of personal information

In handling users' personal information, the Company takes the following technical and administrative measures to ensure the safety of personal information so that it is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.

1. administrative measures: establishment and implementation of internal control plans, regular employee training, etc.

2. technical measures: managing access rights to personal information processing systems, installing access control systems, encrypting unique identification information, installing security programs, etc.

3. physical measures: access control to computer labs, archives, etc.


Section 11 Contact Information for the Privacy Officer and Representatives

Users may report any complaints related to personal information protection arising in the process of using the Company's services and website to the person in charge of personal information protection or the department in charge. The Company will provide a prompt and sufficient response to users' reports. Telephone consultations are available during business hours (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays). If you request consultation by e-mail or mail, we will endeavor to respond within 24 hours of receipt. 

Privacy Officer: Jaehoon Lee (Director) 

Email: (available 24 hours a day)

Contact: 070-7914-6562 (available 9am-6pm)


Article 12 Remedies for Infringement

You may contact the following organizations to seek redress, consultation, etc. for personal information breaches. The following organizations are separate from the Company, and you should contact them if you are not satisfied with the results of the Company's own personal information complaint handling, damage remediation, or need further assistance.

1. Personal Information Infringement Report Center ( / 118 without area code)

2. Cybercrime Investigation Division of the Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office ( / 1301 without area code)

3. National Police Agency Cyber Safety Bureau ( 182 without area code)

4. Privacy Dispute Resolution Board ( / 1833-6972)


Image Information Processing Equipment Operation□ Management Policy


The Company complies with relevant laws and regulations in installing and operating the video information processing equipment□ , protects the personal information of the information subject, and informs you of the purpose and method of using and managing the video information processed by the Company through the management policy of the video information processing equipment. □



1. grounds for installation of image information processing equipment and purpose of installation

2. The number of image processing devices installed, their locations, and their shooting range

3. Video Privacy Officer

4. responsible department and access permissions

5. recording time, storage period, storage location and processing method of video information

6. Consignment of image information processing equipment installation and management, etc. 

7. how and where to view your personal video information

8. Measures for the request of the information subject to view video information, etc.

9. Measures to ensure the safety of personal video information

10. Changes in the operation and management policy of image information processing equipment


1. grounds for installation of image information processing equipment and purpose of installation

The Company installs and operates video information processing equipment for the following purposes in accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

- Facility safety and fire prevention

- Crime prevention for employee and visitor safety


2. the number of video processing equipment installed, their locations, and their shooting range








Number of installations





Installation location and shooting range





Sousa's office





27 units





Entrances, exits, and facility interiors





Sousse outer warehouse





1 unit









3. Video Privacy Officer

The Privacy Officer shall also serve as the Video Data Protection Officer.


4. responsible department and access permissions

In order to protect the video information of the information subject and handle complaints related to personal video information, we have a person in charge of personal video information protection as follows.


















Job title




















Nakhyun Kim










010-3884- 3306





Locations outside of the above










Minho Lee














5. recording time, storage period, storage location and processing method of video information



Shooting time





Storage period










24 hours





Within 90 days of the shooting date





In-office recording equipment (designated controlled areas)



¢ Processing method: Records of requests for non-purpose use, provision to third parties, destruction, viewing, etc. of personal image information are managed on□ and permanently deleted (shredded or incinerated in the case of printouts) in a way that cannot be restored upon expiration of the storage period.


6. Consignment of image information processing equipment installation and management, etc.

The Company consigns the installation and management of image information processing equipment as follows, and stipulates the necessary matters to ensure that personal information is safely managed in consignment contracts in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


















ADT Caps





Yunhwan Kim Responsible















Tae Wan Kim









7. how and where to view your personal video information

You can check it by contacting the person in charge of video information management or the person authorized to access it in advance, and if you request to view it, you must fill out a personal video information request form and submit it to the department in charge.








Verification location





All locations





Each business location Facility Office




8. Measures for the request of the information subject to view the video information, etc.

j If the information subject wishes to view or confirm the existence□of personal video information (hereinafter referred to as "viewing, etc."), he/she may request the Company at any time.

However, it is limited to personal video information recorded by the information subject and personal video information that is clearly necessary for the urgent interests of the life, body, or property of the information subject.

k The information subject shall submit a personal video information request form to the company to request access to and confirmation of the existence of personal video information when requesting access.

l The Company will take necessary measures without delay when receiving a request from the information subject for access to the information, and in this case, the Company will verify whether the person who made the request is the person or a legitimate representative by submitting an identity document. 

If the information subject is an individual, the following documents must be submitted to the person in charge of managing the video information or the person authorized to access it.


















Personal video invoice, ID










Personal image information invoice, agent identification, and power of attorney under seal. Proxy seal certificate



m Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphl above, the Company may refuse the request of the information subject to view personal video information in the following cases. In this case, we will notify the information subject of the reason for the refusal in writing within 10 days.

  A. Causes significant disruption to the investigation, prosecution, or trial of a crime

  B. When personal video information is destroyed after the storage period has expired

  c. There are other legitimate reasons to refuse the request, such as access by the data subject.

n The Company will take necessary measures without delay when requested to view, confirm the existence of, or delete personal video information.


9. Measures to ensure the safety of personal video information

The video information processed by the Company is managed safely. In addition, the Company grants differential access to personal information as a management measure to protect personal video information, and records and manages the purpose, viewer, and date and time of viewing personal video information when viewing personal video information. In addition, for the safe physical storage of personal video information, the Company installs access control and locking devices for the video information storage place□ and operates it.


10. Changes in the operation and management policy of image information processing equipment

This□ Management Policy for Image Information Processing Equipment Operation may be changed from time to time in response to changes in laws or guidelines related to personal information protection. If the Company changes the management policy of image information processing equipment operation□ , the Company will take measures to ensure that users can easily recognize the revised privacy policy through a notice on the homepage 7 days before the revised privacy policy takes effect. 


  1. This Privacy Policy is effective as of April 24, 2024.

  1. Our previous privacy policy can be found below.

  1. Fisher Scientific Corporation

  1. Apply from 2023.7.1 to 2024.4.24 (click)

  1. Apply from 2021.1.1 to 2023.6.30 (click)

  1. Effective January 1, 2018 - January 31, 2021 (click)