써모피셔 웹사이트에서는 항시 할인 중

최대 80%할인 혜택

Building blocks for organic synthesis

Battery research and manufacturing

Custom and bulk chemical services

When your project requires you to go beyond the catalog, save time and resources by turning to Thermo Fisher Scientific, We offer custom chemicals, bulk, specialized testing, and tailored packaging solutions to meet your research and development needs.

LC/MS 제품 샘플 신청 이벤트

구매하기전 관심있는 제품을 무료로 사용해보세요!  


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[백화점 속 케미컬] 4월 - 대체당​

신규 교수님 할인 이벤트

Affymetrix is now Thermo Scientific!

Optima LC/MS Grade 솔벤트, 이동상 솔루션 및 첨가제 30% 할인

Key products

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Optima Solvents


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Named reactions in organic chemistry

Learn about the history, reaction mechanisms, and applications of organic chemistry reactions that are named after the chemists that discovered them. Includes videos, eBooks, supporting product links, and other resources.

Connecting you with the brightest minds in science

Meet today's most inspiring scientists as they share the surprising journeys they've taken to reach what matters most to them.


Find all the synthesis information you need ro succeed with chem dexTM, the new chemical index web app for chemists from Thermo Fisher Scientific. 

Essential tools to discovery-beyond chemistry

Wherever you are on your journey, we bring deep experience and commitment, fostering collaboration, innovation, and efficiency.